Budgeting For Beginners

It has been a while since I dove into a topic that is relatively straight forward but so many people have trouble with, that’s it Budgeting.  I have trouble with it as well, we are soon to be receiving our income taxes and we have some credit card debt.  What should we do with that money?  In comes budgeting, sit down and prepare a list of all the expenses that you are paying on a monthly basis.  Wait what, what are expenses…hold a minute..expenses are just that what are you paying out each month as an expense.  Bills!  Student loans,...

Tips For College Students To Save Money

Wow, I cannot believe it school is right around the corner for most college students. Most students have experienced the difficulty of saving money from over the summer at their summer jobs. Usually the amount of money parents give them is just right for  their needs and other school-related things and when there is something left, it is not enough for the personal purchases the students want to make. Through the years, students have resorted to various ways of getting their own money for their own needs, since their student allowance won’t suffice.  These range from starting their own small business, saving monetary...

Manage Debt Before It Manages You

The old saying goes that debt has its way of creeping up on us without us really even knowing it and this post will be about how to manage debt.  Now a days we are so quick to pull out our credit card or debit card to make a purchase.  To manage debt we need to really look close at what we are spending our money on and really track it. It is important to keep debt at reasonable and manageable levels or we could end up incurring high interest rate charges. Even worse having barely enough money to pay...

Using Online Tools to Manage a Household Budget

If household expenses seem to pile up each month out of nowhere and you find yourself struggling to make ends meet, it’s time to create a budget. Many consumers used to rely on financial planners and other professionals in order to get their finances in order, but today’s array of free online tools can save you money. Just as you would use real estate listings sites such as Homesales real estate to search for a home, you could now use personal finance sites to get your budget in check. These can help you with a number of tasks, from monitoring...

Easy Household Budget Strategies

Most people live paycheck to paycheck, and spend what they want whenever they want. But if you keep up that pattern long enough, you’ll soon discover that the money runs out before you’ve paid all the bills, and there is never any left over for special purchases or holidays. To get control of your household spending and start saving you will need to set up a household budget.  Coincidentally I have written a post about easy household budget strategies…. 🙂 The thought of having to stick to a budget might make you cringe. It sounds restrictive and boring. But if...

Travel on a Budget

Do you dream of taking a vacation to one of your favorite destinations only to be awakened by the fact that you do not have adequate cash to take that trip?  Discount travel packages make those dreams a reality.  Having the ability to travel cheaply does not mean that you always get the best deal so it is important that you do your due diligence.  Therefore, it becomes very important to plan and evaluate different discount travel packages and select the one that fits within your budget and needs. A discount travel package is one way saving your money on...

Advantages of Taking a Ferry Over Flying

Depending on your geographic location traveling may involve going from island to island such as in Hawaii.  My wife and I on more than one occasion have taken a ferry from Cape Cod to Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard.  It is amazing to take a ferry as you are able to take in the scenery as you arrive at your destination. Advantages of Taking a Ferry over Flying: Car Available Usually when you get to your destination you  need a car to get around, with a ferry you just drive up on the deck and your car is with you at...

Top 5 Questions to Ask Before You Buy UK Car Insurance

 Photo by: M93 Shopping around for a new UK car insurance policy can help you to save money on your insurance premium. By shopping around and viewing a number of car insurance quotes, you can take advantage of lower rates offered by another motor insurance company, take advantage of different discounts offered by another car insurance company and adjust your cover so that it most closely meets your needs. Obviously the cost of insurance will differ greatly, whether your wheels are a sporty BMW or people carrying Toyota. In order to save as much money as possible while still buying...

Tips for Organizing an Effective but Frugal Home Budget

Making a frugal home budget is an art and to accomplish this art, one needs to have an insight to the capability of handling the finances.  Organizing a frugal budget will not only be helpful to maintain a stable financial situation, but it will also indicate your financial prudence for the near future. Steps toward making a frugal home budget There are certain small, but effective tips which will enable to you to make a frugal home budget.  They are as follows: Getting a clear idea of financial ability – It is the most important factor in making a frugal...