Is it too late to get an MBA?


What an interesting week last week, now back to the grind of things.  Today we received a question from a reader who asks, “Is it too late to get an MBA?”  Let us define what the reader considers too late, they consider their mid 40’s too late to obtain the advanced degree.

What is his dilemma?  Mark is a mid level manager who strives to take that next step but all of the upper echilon have advanced degrees.  Some organizations only recruit talent for upper level positions if they have an advanced degree, his organization is one of those.

Mark has his bachelor’s degree and is at the glass ceiling for his current credentials at his organization.  He wants to move up and he knows he can do the job, but he just doesn’t have the degree for the next step.  The time to obtain the advanced degree may take a few years to complete.  The reward after the completion of the degree when he is able to move up the corporate ladder is going to be substantial for him.  He definately gets my vote to pursue the degree.  Would you pursue the degree if you were Mark?

Some people think that you have to be going for something to continue your education for advanced degrees or just another degree.  This is a misconception and many people take courses that they find interesting or that they find may benefit them in some way in the real world.

When I was taking my MBA courses, there was a gentleman in the class that had already received a Harvard Law degree and was corporate council for the multinational organization he worked for.  I was talking with him one time and questioned his presence in the program and he said he takes the courses for fun and likes to keep his mind sharp.

Whatever your reasons for pursuing and MBA or any other advanced degree, I say you should definately pursue it.  I am a big advocate of education for all.  Said by one of my buddies Benjamin Franklin, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

 PHOTO BY: Bathe in Light

11 thoughts on “Is it too late to get an MBA?

  1. When I was at university doing my Bachelor’s, there was a lady in her sixties who was now doing hers. My dad did his Masters when he was in his fifties. It’s all about when it’s right for you and your reasons. My reason for waiting until my late twenties to start an MBA was because I did not know what I wanted to do. And when I’m finished, I plan on doing all kinds of other courses too.

    1. @ Dannielle – I completely agree, there is no right time or wrong time to go back to school. Some go to keep their mind sharp and some just go for the social interaction. Congrats on getting started and going for your MBA, taking that first step is sometimes the hardest.

  2. I say go for it. If I ever were at a point where I wanted another degree I’d just be sure to choose an inexpensive program. A lot of schools (Harvard and Columbia included) have professional studies programs designed for adult learners going back to school. There should never be an age cap on learning.

    1. @ Kari – I agree with you 110%. I would def go the inexpensive route unless my employer was paying for it too.

  3. I decided to do my MS/MBA right after graduating from my BS. Some people told me that it would be better to wait and get more work experience, but I decided to do it. I did my BS in 3 years, and had 1 yr left of scholarship. Plus, I needed more time to figure out what to do with my life. 1 yr later, I am about to finish the MS. After May, I will only have 3 classes to finish the MBA. Probably will finish it next May. Right now, I am pretty tired of school. I love learning, but I burned myself out with the heavy course load I took for 4 years. I’m probably going to take a small break afterward but then want to come back and learn more 🙂

    1. @ Savvy – Wow you are definitely a go getter! Congratulations on all that you have accomplished. I took a year off before going back to get my masters. It was more to find a job and see if I could get my employer to pay for it, thankfully they did. I hear both sides of the story, go and work and come back to school and go straigt to get masters. I agree that sometimes you need experience too, but at the same token if you are already in the school mindset might as well go on incase you never go back. I think you did it right in my book. What does everyone else think?

  4. I know I am glad I did it all at once. First, my scholarship covered it, so no debt. Second, because now I am definitely ready to work. School burned me out 🙂

    1. @ Savvy – Great!!! I think you made the best choice. Wait till you get in the work place and hear some of the older adults talking about wishing they had gone back to school and they just got to busy or had families and they couldn’t.

        1. @ Savvy – it will, just give it time. Sometimes we get out and have an MBA and forget that we do not have any work experience. Just remember me when you strike it rich.

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