Things You Need to Know Before Applying to an MBA

Applying to study for an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree can be a wonderful opportunity and a great investment in your future career. However it is also a big decision to make, as MBAs are usually expensive and time consuming. There are a number of things you should know before you take the plunge. This article will help you with what to consider before pursuing an MBA degree. Before applying to study for an MBA you should consider that these qualifications can be very expensive. Depending on where you choose to study will affect how expensive the course will...

Is it too late to get an MBA?

What an interesting week last week, now back to the grind of things.  Today we received a question from a reader who asks, “Is it too late to get an MBA?”  Let us define what the reader considers too late, they consider their mid 40’s too late to obtain the advanced degree. What is his dilemma?  Mark is a mid level manager who strives to take that next step but all of the upper echilon have advanced degrees.  Some organizations only recruit talent for upper level positions if they have an advanced degree, his organization is one of those. Mark...