How to Find A Great Family Lawyer At A Good Price

good lawyerWhen going through drawn out and emotionally draining legal proceedings it is vital that your legal representation understands your needs and wishes.It’s helpful to consider some basic questions about the kind of divorce services you are looking for and the degree of involvement you want in the process.

Your Involvement

Consider how much you want to be involved in the process. Do you want to be pouring over the legalese or would you prefer to leave all that to lawyer. How in control do you want to be? A really experienced lawyer will obviously cost more; would you be happy employing the services of someone less experienced but cheaper? Think carefully about the demands of your budget – if you are on a shoestring you may qualify for legal aid.

Working Relationship

Consider whether factors like the gender or the cultural background/ understanding of the lawyer are important to you. A comfortable working relationship is vital, particularly if you require legal counsel for a lengthy amount of time. A typical divorce proceeding can last from anywhere between five and eight months.

In terms of their professional background, you will want a lawyer experienced in the appropriate field. In the U.K this means someone who specialises in family law or matrimonial law. Although you may want your legal matter settled outside of court, and in many case this is the most likely outcome, there is always the possibility that the courts will have to be involved. Make sure your lawyer has some experience in the courtroom.Accreditations to look for include Resolution, formerly known as the Solicitors Family Law Association.Finally, it is crucial to avoid conflicts of interests, though a good lawyer should always state these – this simply means ensuring representation hasn’t acted on behalf of the concerned parties before.

What About The Law Firm?

There are some basic niceties to expect from a law firm, or really any service you engage professionally. Prompt responses to enquiries and clearly outlined costs and procedures are good indicators. If they struggle to return calls at promised times, then it may be time to look elsewhere. Assess your comfort level when you go to the firm’s offices – how do they greet you or deal with others who may be waiting? Don’t rush the decision to engage legal counsel.

Dealing With A Lawyer

It may be tempting to unload a wealth of personal detail to your lawyer, particularly in the case of marital disputes. While your lawyer should always be sympathetic and compassionate to your case, you are paying by the hour and time not spent discussing legal matters will add up to extra costs. If you are struggling emotionally, it may be a sign that you lack important sources of support.

Your lawyer should always maintain a degree of detachment, giving you balanced advice which doesn’t involve personal attacks directed towards the other party.

Photo by: ericejohnson

17 thoughts on “How to Find A Great Family Lawyer At A Good Price

  1. thanks for tips, i think another good way is to ask the lawyer for referral.

  2. Read your post really that was amazing and helpful tips. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Your ultimate goal in this process is to get divorced, and hopefully you can do so without any major depreciation of your lifestyle. Don’t let your emotions jump in and run rampant when it comes to negotiating over material things that don’t mean much to you in the big picture.

  4. I agree that it’s important to consider how much you want to get involved in the legal process. If you are pressed for time, it may be best to let the attorney do most of the work. However, if you’re pressed for money, then you may want to really do your research in order to minimize the research needed to be conducted by your attorney. This would reduce the labor hours for which you’re responsible to pay them.

  5. You last point is a good one to keep in mind while going through a divorce. As hard as it is, the lawyer is only supposed to be helping you professionally, not emotionally. You are paying them to help you get through the legal procedures of a divorce, and anything else you tell them is, as you said, time on the clock that isn’t being used to further your legal case. It’s better to confide in friends, family, or even a counselor, because they are all better equipped to help you emotionally than your lawyer. Thanks for the article.

  6. Mediators are becoming more popular now than ever before. If you’re in a situation where you’re comfortable enough to sit down with your spouse and a mediator, you can save a lot of time and money.

  7. Pratyush Singh

    Another great tip from you! Niceties are expected from law firms and does go out of its way while dealing with their clients.

  8. These tips are all so helpful and incredibly informative. Thanks for the great article, it really is great being able to read up on the way one should proceed, whether with a legal mediator or without. Your last tip is definitely something I had not thought about, but it makes sense to keep a relationship with your lawyer as honest and as professional as possible. Thanks for all the concise information!

  9. Great Share!

    Must say, when you need a lawyer you need to take your time and find one that will be able to handle the type of case you have. Not all lawyers practice family law, and not all lawyers will represent all types of family law cases.
    When you need a lawyer to help you with a matter of family law you are more than likely going to be emotionally stressed by the situation you are in. The above tips are really very impressive and interesting. This is very informative post. Worth sharing!
    Cheers 🙂

  10. Hi,
    Nice to see your post..

    People will often hire lawyers who are best in their field whether or not they are appropriate for their particular lawsuit. Choosing the lawyer who is most suitable for your case is much more important.
    One can use the services of junior lawyers or paralegals for simple documents relating to property or when making your will.

    You may be thinking that you won’t be able to get access to legal services because they are very expensive. However, there are many lawyers that are affordable.

    Thanks for being sharing.

    William Lyons

  11. Hey Buddy!

    Nice Post!
    I like the content of your post. The topic you have chosen to write the post is so unique. Hiring a family lawyer is a good choice because it can save your money. In addition to saving money, it can also help us out though various problems.
    This is so because he/she belongs to your family, so they know you well and understand you well then others could do. Hiring family lawyer is benefits to us since it would cost us less and it can also help us win the case.
    This is so because a family member better understands our problem and try his best to find a solution to it. I am thankful to you for this post because it motivated me to hire a family member while I was fighting the case for my child custody. I am really thankful to you that you help me taking a wise decision.

    Keep Posting!
    Thank You! 🙂

  12. Hii,

    Great post.. thank you for sharing with us!
    Finding a good attorney can be a difficult process, but by knowing what steps to take, it can be easier.Generally, lawyers are expensive but don’t just pick a lawyer because he’s expensive or because you think he’s reasonable. The most expensive lawyers are not always the best and those who don’t charge an arm and a leg may be fantastic. As such don’t make price your primary deciding factor when selecting the right lawyer for your needs.
    The years of experience that the lawyer has is an important and not to be overlooked criteria. Not only should they have experience practicing law, but especially in the area in which you need legal representation. A lawyer may be great at real estate matters but not so good with criminal cases.

    Thomas Wyckoff

  13. Your points about assessing how you are treated at the start may be some of your most important. This set of indicators can be as strong as any others when determining the future working relationship.

  14. It is true that whenever you are dealing with legal cases it is important that your legal representation understands your needs.It is really helpful to consider some basic questions about the kind of divorce services you are looking for and the degree of involvement you want in the process.In this case, it is important to hire an experienced lawyer to fulfill your needs and helps you in order to win your case.

  15. Wow, it didn’t even cross my mind that I should expect outlined costs to be clear and concise. I know that if I was ever to go through a divorce, I would want a law firm to give me almost exact costs. Knowing that ahead of time can help a client budget and get their finances in order.

  16. Awesome post.Thanks for sharing this informative post.

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