JP @ My Family Finances writes 10 Tips for Choosing the Best Home Loan – Not all home loans are created equally, and some mortgages are more beneficial than others. When purchasing or refinancing a house, consider these tips on selecting the home loan that works best for you. Tushar Mathur @ Everything Finance writes 5 Ways To Save Money When Traveling – Traveling is costly, but add in all the extra fees and it can get even more expensive. Here are 5 ways to save money when traveling so you can avoid them. Don @ Money Reasons writes The...
OMG i missed it, I wish the emails would come with the dates that the carnival is scheduled to be posted for 🙂 Well.  I missed it and here it is without further adieu. BUDGETING AND ECONOMICS Jester @ The Ultimate Juggle writes How Much Money Can You Save By Breastfeeding? – Babies are expensive – breastfeeding can save money. Read my personal analysis and see how much I saved this way. Dividend Growth Investor @ Dividend Growth Investor writes Do not despise the days of small beginnings – In this article I argue why it is important to start...
BUDGETING AND ECONOMICS Alexis @ FITnancials writes Save Money on Food AND Eat Healthy – I’m on a budget, and a kind of strict one as well. Since I am on a budget, I am always looking for ways to save money on food. Some people spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on each person in their family on food. Some families have food budgets in the thousands each month, which amazes me! Matt @ Budget Snob writes Easy Ways to Start Saving – Today we live world where being a big spender is a symbol of status and is...
Y for yakezie carnival…Well we are out on the boat today enjoying the nice weather. Here are a few great posts to tide you over until you can see me again on monday 🙂 Ahh before we start some business I want to avert your eyes to: Check out my Guide to Successfully Start a Blog Michelle @ Diversified Finances writes What Not To Do When Leaving Your Job – I know that everyone has different reasons for leaving their job, and sometimes it is a really toxic environment that you are trying to leave. Emily @ Evolving Personal Finance...
Welcome to the first warm day here in Central New York, I mean the Carnival of Money Pros. SB @ One Cent at a Time writes 15 Creative Ways to Earn Money Online From Home – People from around the world can cater to the global need for information and services, and, earn good money working from wherever they are. This article lists 15 very creative, legal and constructive ways of making money online from your home. Glen Craig @ f writes First Comes a House, Then Marriage? – There’s a new trend where couples are buying a home or...
Well here are the best from around the web for this very warm cinco de mayo. Hope you enjoyed the weekend, enjoy the reading. Christopher @ This That and the MBA writes Building My Credit History: An Update – I started out with no credit history..and decided to go with a secured credit card to help build my credit. Come see how I have made out so far and read my original post! SB @ One Cent at a Time writes How Much Debt Is Too Much Debt – Most people have some kind of debt. It might be a...
Welcome to the Festival of Frugality Milton Friedman edition. While working in the field of finance/economics we become cognizant of others who have made an impact in our line of work. Milton Friedman was born this day in 1912. He was an economic advisor to Ronald Reagan and his monetary theory influenced the Federal Reserves response to the global financial crisis. He was named by The Economist as the most influential economist of the second half of the 20th Century. If you are bored Google his name there is a great deal that he contributed to modern day monetary policy...
Let me start off by saying that I am honored to host this week’s edition of the Festival of Frugality. Before doing a little research, I had no idea what May Day was. May Day (also known as International Workers’ Day) is a commemoration of the 1886 Haymarket Massacre in Chicago which was a movement to symbolize working class solidarity. This year Occupy Wall Street plans to demonstrate their own International Workers’ Day movement today. Occupy Wall Street’s message has been to call attention to what they say are abuses of power and wealth of the 1%. Here is my...