Stock Images: Pay A Little Now or A Lot Later
10 Easy Ways to Get More Retweets
When used wisely, retweets often lead to more influence, more followers, and more web traffics. According to Statistic Brain, there are over 550 million active Twitter users as of April 2013, 58 million new tweets daily, and 135,000 new Twitter users every day…
Infographic: A Look at the Digital Future of Global Retail
The future of digital marketing is bright. The global retail brand’s consumer has evolved with the advent of new technology and channels, and these channels demand a new type of marketer. With more marketing metrics and tactics than ever before, modern marketers must look at the current trends to prepare their strategies for the future…
The Art of Leadership Lies in Communicating Like One
Lessons On Leading, Kindle Fire HD & $100 Amazon Gift Card GiveawayThe Greatest Leader in the World is Probably ObscureCommunication Tips for Business Leaders
5 Things You Must Get From Any Coach You Hire
photo credit: DVIDSHUB via photopin cc
But, simply hiring a coach to help you work on some aspect of your business, career or life does not guarantee success or even progress…
Social Media Marketing: Have you tested your website’s social links and buttons?
Through many tests, we have learned that it is critical to give people a reason to click. If we want visitors to contact us or add a product to the cart, we have to provide them with valuable information upfront. Positive and benefit-oriented calls-to-action, for example …
“Get your free trial”
“Secure checkout”
Tend to perform better than simple and command-oriented calls-to-action, for example …
“Click here ”
Almost all of the time…
How to create like Apple’s Jonathan Ive
The idea came from none other than Apple’s Chief of Industrial Design, Sir Jonathan Ive.
Apple’s Jony Ive and the importance of words
Sir Jony was on a UK children’s show a while ago, talking about design…
AdWords Performance Grader Now Even More Secure & Easier to Use with OAuth2
Sketching For Better Mobile Experiences
Mobile user experience design is maturing. One way to gauge this is to look at the tools at our disposal. Prototyping tools such as Balsamiq, Axure and Fireworks enable us to build wireframes and click-dummies, helping us to explain the targeted user experience. Cross-browser frameworks such as PhoneGap, Zurb Foundation and jQuery Mobile help us to create prototypes using the native languages of the Web: HTML, CSS and JavaScript…
What You Missed Today in Marketing: June 24, 2013
YouTube Offers to Help Partners with Giant Ad Budgets Make More Money
17 Examples of Lead Gen Forms Optimized for Conversion
Don’t keep your leads locked out with poorly optimized forms (Image source)
What Are Lead Gen Forms Optimized For?
Collecting leads & obtaining online conversions.
When you are pumping time and resources into designing your site, you should pay extra attention to the form – it’s a hot spot for turning visitors into leads for your business…
What 5 Fake Ads Can Teach You About Great Marketing
Webcast Wednesday: “E-mail+Social = Profitable Client Retention”
The lure of the “next big thing” can create online marketing inefficiencies when small business owners try to be a marketing “jack of all trades and master to none”…