The Value of an MBA for Women – Since I just finished my MBA, I thought this info-graphic was quite interesting. Do...
Vacation Baby! – Vacation Baby! Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.So, we thought we’d take a little time out of our regular schedule to bring you a couple of photos from our vacation. We’ll be back to our regular posting schedule on Monday. Enjoy! Vacation Baby! Club Thrifty – Stop spending… Continue Reading On » Should I Sell my Singer Sewing Machine? – Should I sell my Singer sewing machine? Ever since I got out of debt I continued selling things I no long needed, such as DVD’s, computer parts, a train set, etc....
Getting Mother’s Day Gift Ideas from RetailMeNot – Alright everyone, Mother’s Day is here. This is not a typical Mother’s Day for me, because my wife is now a mother. My son was born in December of 2012, so we won’t be just celebrating Mother’s Day with our mothers. My wife needs to be celebrated and I want to create an awesome day for her… Continue Reading On » I Need a Birthday Budget – I swore I was only going to have a nice dinner when it came my real birthday, but it ended up having...
How Much it Really Costs to Throw a Traditional Wedding – How Much it Really Costs to Throw a Traditional Wedding Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.The following is a guest post from our friend Jessica at Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses. If you are interested in guest posting, please see our guest posting guidelines. Hi! My name is Jessica and I blog over at Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses, the personal finance & lifestyle blog with a dash of sass… Continue Reading On » Birthday Freebies and Other Discounts – We all need birthday freebies in our...
Book Review: Who Moved My Cheese? – There are some books in the business world that are considered absolute classics, books that provide insights into modern business expressed in the best possible way. Good to Great, The World is Flat, and How to Win Friends & Influence People are all among these business books, the ones that any businessperson should read… Continue Reading On » Top Personal Finance Articles #12 – We had a pretty fun week –not. Our little man has started to get his first tooth and he is none too happy about it. I...
How to Make Frugal Fun – It’s not true that you have to spend a lot of money to have fun. Many people find themselves racking up debt by dining out every night or spending too much money on entertainment. Going over your entertainment budget is a very slippery slope that can lead to dangerous emergency loans, such as payday loans … Continue Reading On » Financial Planning in 5 Easy Tips – Good morning Dinks. Let me ask you a question – how many of you manage your finances yourself and how many actually have a...
GlassesUSA Review and Discount – I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of experience with glasses. I have been wearing glasses of one kind or another since I was in third grade. My sisters both need to wear glasses, as does my mother and numerous members of my extended family. My wife also wears glasses (which we shall discuss more about in just a bit), as does her mother, and her father… Continue Reading On » How to Change a Material Mindset – “We all need new ideas, images, and experiences far more than...
Caterpillar (CAT) Dividend Stock Analysis – Caterpillar (CAT) is the world’s largest producer of earth moving equipment, a major manufacturer of engines and electric power generators for the petroleum industry, and a major producer of mining equipment. CAT is divided into four main business segments: 1) Construction industries (29% of revenue) which provide machinery for construction and mining clients… Continue Reading On » 15 More Organic Homemade Cleaning Products – I noticed as I was going through the feedback from my Earth Day post last week that (a) people like being able to save the planet, (b)...
Name Brand Products I Love – When it comes to name brand products, I normally don’t give them any thought and choose the cheaper product. There are certain name brand products I wouldn’t give up, unless I was back in debt of course. I do try … Continue reading →The post Name Brand Products I Love appeared first on Financial Black Sheep… Continue Reading On » Take an Online Course at Harvard…For Free – SourceThe following is a guest post. If you are interested in guest posting for my site, please see my guest posting policy and shoot me...
Staying ahead of the pack with the latest in home entertainment – Everyone experiences lifestyle inflation to a degree, but one of the biggest causes of lifestyle inflation is trying to keep up with the latest changes in technology. Things like smart phones, computers and even the beloved household TV. It seems that for many people, having the latest and greatest gadgets has become a life priority… Continue Reading On » Are You a Risk Taker? Risk Tolerance and Finances – Photo Credit Today’s post is by my awesome staff writer Jordann. Enjoy! One of the best...
How to Avoid Debt Fatigue – Debt Fatigue Stinks (this is not a picture of Katie) Hi Money Life and More readers! I’m Katie from Slowly But Surely, where I write about tackling my goals, specifically getting out of debt. I started this year with $68,000 of student loans and a credit card balance and I’ve started tackling the debt pretty aggressively… Continue Reading On » Reader Question: Should We Sell Our Second Car? – Reader Question: Should We Sell Our Second Car? Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.So…I’ve introduced you all to my badass Toyota...
Easy Ways to Keep Your Pet Secure – Michelle’s dogs Lauren from L Bee and the Money Tree wrote recently about how her dog, Murray, decided to take a little jaunt around the neighbourhood at 11pm in the middle of the rain storm, leaving her a nervous wreck until she found him. While this story ends well, it’s one we’ll all familiar with… Continue Reading On » Could You Survive Financially If You Lost a Job? – Some recent posts from Cash Rebel and Reach Financial Independence have really gotten me thinking about how much money we...
Utilizing Your Smart Phone to Stay on Top of Your Finances – Technology is a great tool that can help a person manage all aspects of life including health and finances. Smart phones are filled with applications that allow a person to play or stay up to date on important information. These apps have the power to make life a little easier to navigate. Here are a … Continue Reading On » My Dad was Awesome – Today marks 5 years since my dad passed away. It’s a sad day, but I know to make each day...
Know About the Factors Affecting Conveyancing Fees – Are you going to sell or buy a new property? Do you know about the process of conveyancing? What is conveyancing? This is a legal process of transferring the name of the owner into the name of the buyer through paperworks. How much time it takes to overcome the process? Initially the process seems to … Continue Reading On » A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Blog – This is a guest post from Dianne Aarnink. After saving enough money to take a year off, Dianne recently said adios...
9 Easy Ways To Lower Your Car Insurance Premium – Car insurance can be the most expensive aspect to owning a car… But did you know there are some really easy ways to cut the cost of your premium? Check these 9 simple, mostly cost-free tips out… Don’t get caught in an insurance trap! This one’s very simple… Before buying a new car, check how … Continue Reading On » 3 Tips to Handle Marrying into Student Loan Debt – This post was written by Jana Lynch, founder of the Bloggers Helping Bloggers Mentoring program and owner...
Eliminating Debt Creates Self Confidence – Depending on what economic experts you read, the economic situation of the United States seems to be getting better, albeit slowly but we see some improvement. Unemployment even though still quite high but most months it is on a downward path. I guess the country as a nation has started to believe in the old … Continue Reading On » I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 04/12 – This weekend we will celebrate my daughter Tori’s 11th birthday. I can easily see the bits of personality she has inherited...
A Primer on Margin Accounts – Recently, I got my brokerage account upgraded to a margin account. So I though that this would be a good time to talk about what margin accounts are, how they work, and some of the benefits and risks involved. I also wanted to discuss my thoughts on how to get the most out of a margin account. What Is Margin? Margin is basically nothing more than a loan from your broker… Continue Reading On » What are Some of the Ways to Help an Emotional Spender? – I received a reader...
How to Spend Your Extra Income – Photo Credit Michelle has been doing an amazing job with extra income lately. Her blog has been taking off and that’s helping her make a ton of side income every month. Due to this, she’s been getting a boat load of emails about blogging for side income and has even written a few great posts about how to make money blogging… Continue Reading On » Why are we obsessed with celebrities? – Good morning Dinks. You may remember from our Dinks Reality series that I am a huge fan of reality...