Five For Friday: I am beat and need sleep edition!

Wow the weekend is finally here!!!  I am so thankful for that, hopefully our 2 little ladies let me sleep a little this weekend.  Anyone have anything exciting going on this weekend you care to share?  My wife has a baby shower for my brother’s fiancé.  It will be their first child and I am so excited! 
Take a look at the five sites that I thought added some value to my brain this week, in no random order.

Corbett Barr over at Expert Enough kept my interest this week.  Be sure to check out Corbett’s sites if you want some great reading material.  2 hours later I was still clicking around his site.

Stop and take a look at TB over BluecollarWorkman I stumbled upon his site yesterday, a very worthwhile read.

SEO is such a difficult concept for me to grasp, as was Calculus in college.  I try and I try but I just cannot grasp the actual implementation.  I understand the concept.  Well here is an article that is helping me through the learning curve this week, written by Andrea at Curiosity Killed the Blog. 

A great post by Jason over at Work Save Live in response to a reader’s question!

As always a thought provoking post by Anthony over at JoyfulSelfManager.

Hope you enjoyed this weeks post as much as I have.  It is so hard to pick only 5 each week; maybe I should change it to Fifty For Friday. 

Enjoy the weekend and see you Monday!


14 thoughts on “Five For Friday: I am beat and need sleep edition!

    1. @ Curiosity- I am almost there, I am waiting for the skies to open up and the light to shine down upon me.

  1. Hey Christopher, I’ll be sure to check out these bloggers. And thank you ever so kindly for the generous mention. I’m deeply honored. Have a great weekend.

    1. @ Anthony – you keep rocking out those thought provoking posts, it is going to turn into the Four For Friday plus Joyful Self Manager. Thank my man enjoy your weekend too!

  2. Thank you for the mention!

    I can’t believe it’s already Friday and I don’t really have “work” today. I am stoked! Although…my entire day will be getting ahead on my blog writing as I don’t have any posts completed for next week (yikes!).

    Have a great weekend!

    1. @ WorkSaveLive – It was a great post and it also shows that the readers can and will sometimes direct our next post. Because without them, we are writing to ourselves! You have a great weekend as well!

  3. Yes I hope you increase it from 5 posts so that I can make the cut 🙂
    Have a good weekend Christopher. Enjoy the baby shower and hopefully you get caught up on sleep.

    1. @ Jeremy – haha as a mentor it goes without mention that I read your site daily and enjoy the content you publish.

        1. @ Karunesh – I will see what I can do next week, I will have to find a snappy slogan then. 🙂

  4. Thanks for the mention, I appreciate it! And I can relate… this weekend I hope my wife and my’s two little ladies let us get some sleep!

    1. @ TB – Cheers to sleeping in, even though 8:30 is sleeping in by my standards now. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Great list of articles Christopher.

    1. @ Shilpan – Thanks it means a lot coming from a fellow blogger like yourself!

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