If there’s one thing that weddings and Valentine’s Day seem to have in common, it’s that most of the focus tends to be on the woman when it’s really to be a day that celebrates the mutual love that exists between her and her significant other. That’s where we come in: To provide the ladies with some romantic yet inexpensive ideas on what to give the man in their life for Valentine’s Day. That way, the guy will feel like he’s not just an “extra” in a romance novel; that he has a starring role in your heart. Homemade coupons....
Health insurance costs can be significant expenses for those of us who don’t receive coverage from our employers. However, health care is something that everyone needs, regardless of race, age, profession or income level. Many people who are living under tight budget constraints find it difficult to manage their health insurance costs, but if you follow these 5 tips you can easily lower your expenses while retaining your coverage. Opt for a Higher Deductible Your insurance company will typically be willing to compromise with you on a couple of points. Raising your deductible, for example, will usually offer a benefit...
College is a terribly important time in a lot of individuals’ lives. After you finish high school, you’ve got a lot to think about in terms of your higher education. A lot of the time, the work you do in college will be important to you for the rest of your life, as it winds up determining your career. It’s nice that you’ll get to study the subjects that interest you the most, but this comes at something of a high cost. A very high cost, as college is incredibly expensive these days, and it’s not uncommon for families to...
The holiday season may be in the rearview mirror, but that doesn’t mean a family vacation can’t be on your mind. Winter break is just around the corner, and summer will be here before you know it. This is a tough time to travel as a family, as the recession has led to dwindling savings accounts yet no break in the normal costs of living. Airfare is more expensive than ever and offers fewer perks. Whether your decision stems from these financial concerns, a fear of flying or a simple love of the highways and byways of America, many people...
A college education is necessary in today’s competitive job market to secure a career in most industries, but rising tuition rates and the burden of student loan debt are leading many students to think carefully about their major choices in academia. In a very real sense, some majors are more valuable than others. One degree may not have the marketability of another, leading to a difficult life in the post graduate world. Other majors, however, statistically offer great career options and potential payoffs to hard-working students. – Biomedical Engineering The world of medicine has long been attractive to ambitious students...
College is definitely one of those time periods where we’ve all got to make sure that we’re staying focused. Interestingly enough, it’s also one of those time periods where we can feel the most tempted to remain completely unfocused. No matter what your situation is, college is a lot of fun for a lot of people. One of the things that most college students don’t really get to enjoy a lot of, however, is money. Many times, college students can find themselves struggling financially. There are not really enough hours in the week to work a job full-time while you’re...
The fun of the holiday season may be well behind you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t set something exciting in your schedule to warm your thoughts during this long, cold winter. It can be very difficult to get back into the swing of things at work after all of that time off, so many people set a date for their next vacation to help remind them why they are working so hard. It’s a great strategy, and although your next trip may feel like quite a ways off the time will pass quickly once you get lost in the...
2013 has dawned a bit brighter than the past couple of years, at least as far as the economy is concerned. The US government managed to come together across the aisle to avoid the ‘fiscal cliff’, and most industries are now back to adding thousands of jobs each and every month. It’s an encouraging time to reinvest in the stock market, to launch that small business you’ve been planning, to book your dream vacation and to invest in upgrades around the house. But just because things have turned around a bit doesn’t mean you can spend without consideration. This is...
Many individuals find themselves at points in their lives where they feel like they can afford a little something special. If you’ve worked really hard for yourself, you might very well feel like you deserve to treat yourself just a little bit. There are, of course, a number of ways that you can do this. One of them is by buying a boat. When you purchase an exciting new watercraft, you get something that you can enjoy over and over again, with all your closest friends and family members included. Owning a boat can be hugely enjoyable, and will give...
The four years you’ll spend at college may very well be one of the most memorable times of your life. As you get older the weeks, months and even years start to blur together. But college is packed with experiences. You’ll expand your mind far beyond anything available in high school, challenging your beliefs, growing as a citizen and hopefully discovering a subject matter you can turn into a lucrative future career. You’ll mature physically and emotionally, living on your own for the first time and handling more responsibility without oversight than ever before. You’ll broaden your social horizons, finding...
No matter your race, religion or country of origin, the one holiday that everyone celebrates is their birthday. Some are major milestones, others are just another notch along the way. Some people love their birthdays and go all out each year, relishing surprise parties and the big deal made over them for that day. Other people would rather their birthday pass quietly, with as little fanfare as possible. But everyone loves free stuff, and your birthday is the one day of the year that you are guaranteed to find fantastic free stuff offered up to you with a smile. Here’s...
Sometimes we might find ourselves a little short on cash. If you’re reading this, it’s very likely that you’ve experienced this feeling and/or situation at some point over the course of the last several years. In that time, we’ve dealt with some pretty serious economic issues here in the United States. Things were good for quite a while, but the recession that took over several years ago hit a lot of people square in the wallet, and a good amount of individuals are still doing everything that they can to recover. Unfortunately, life doesn’t really have a tendency to put...
Not everyone is cut out for the collegiate path, but skipping higher education can definitely make it more difficult to find gainful employment, especially in a recession economy. Even for those with the skillset needed to nab jobs in technological fields, the lack of a degree could bar you from consideration right off the bat. This can be a tough road to take, and it is especially frustrating when you know you can do the job. And yet, that’s the trade-off for missing four years of college and heading straight to the job market. Or is it? With so many...
Deciding what you want to study while you’re in college can be a tough thing to do. In a lot of ways, college is more expensive than it’s ever been before. The education system in America has had a pretty tough time over the course of the last few years, so more and more students are feeling the pressure to make good on their investments. Whether you’re paying for your classes or are lucky enough to have parents that are willing to sponsor your education, you’ve got to make sure you study something that will allow you to get a...
Whether she is still crawling around the floor in diapers or strolling across the stage to pick up her high school diploma you never stop wanting the best life possible for your child. This is the person you love more than anything else in the world. You want to protect her, to teach her right, and to see her go on to a fruitful, rich future with her own family and great successes. It’s no secret that in this modern world of technology a college education is often the key to this bright future. But it’s also harder than ever...
As a conscientious consumer in the United Kingdom, you may be aware that there are considerable differences between how different companies operate. While all companies strive to be profitable, some companies make an effort to operate in an ethical manner that goes above and beyond their competitors’ business practices. When you purchase car insurance, you have the option to purchase your cover from an ethical car insurance company. Before you make your buying decision, however, you may want to learn more about what to expect from an ethical car insurance company. 1. Cover Options That Meet Your Needs An ethical...
If you are like many other drivers in the United Kingdom, you have heard about green car insurance numerous times in recent years. However, you have never taken the time to learn what the cover really provides to you or how it helps the environment. Many people have heard about green companies in a wide range of industries that take an extra initiative to have sustained facilities through the use of wind or solar energy or that take extra steps to recycle more than other companies do, and you may believe that this is what a green insurance company is...
Whether you are a novice or an experienced investor, there are at least 5 things you must know before investing. Here’s an opportunity to learn, and understand how to invest wisely, add to your future portfolio gains and avoid common investment mistakes. 1. Timing – Thinking that the only time to invest is when you can buy in low and sell shares high is a myth. The truth is there are better times to invest, but it’s never too late, especially if you understand what it takes to invest. 2. Costs – Profitable investing is about controlling and managing the...
In today’s economic climate, having adequate insurance is an integral element of everyday life. Regardless of whether you are governed by law or obligation, you will be faced with a myriad of different types of insurance, including life insurance, health insurance, phone insurance, house insurance, car insurance, travel insurance and many other types of insurance. The same is also true for business owners; entrepreneurs must take out insurance policies for their business, irrespective of the size of the business, and the industry sector that the business finds itself within. There have been numerous reports of towns and cities suffering major...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released a new set of rules for the taxes on investment income. These rules are geared towards capital gains as well as dividends that were earned by high-earners, or those individuals who have income that’s “higher than the average”. The rules were passed to the Congress and were also included on the Healthcare Reform Law of 2010. Read on to know the changes on the rules on taxes for investment income. Surtax will Be Applied on Healthcare The 3.8% investment income tax that will be applied on investment income is meant to pay for...
One of those essential expenses that we all have is the cost of home insurance, especially those of us who are homeowners. Most of the time we just pay the premiums and never make a claim as nothing untoward happens that would require a claim. This is a great reason for investigating if you can reduce your cost of home insurance. There are different ways to do this, but start by checking what your renewal costs are and then get some fresh quotes to compare against your existing insurer. Make sure you ask for the exact same cover, with the...
Many people have good intentions and they want to save their money. But when there’s a limited amount of disposable income each month, increasing one’s personal savings can prove difficult. Although many families recognize the value of coupon-ing and reducing unnecessary spending to save money, these are not the only options available. Several families have had success with less common methods of saving. Savings options with your bank Speak with your bank and you’ll discover that saving money is easier than you think. Practically every bank has a product to help increase your personal savings. While traditional bank accounts feature...
Buying a home, even in these times, can be a great investment. At the very least, you’ll get tax benefits from the purchase. Plus, you can stop paying hundreds of dollars every month for rent and having nothing to show for it except a place to camp out every night. When you buy a home, those monthly mortgage payments build equity that – as long as there’s not another housing crisis – won’t go away. But with a mortgage will come a requirement that you didn’t have as a renter: Your lender will require you to buy a home insurance...
Earning college money is very important to a lot of college students to the point that it’s almost a part of college life. Let’s face the fact that not all college students have parents footing the bill. Most college students are paying for their college education and you know how expensive it can be especially with all the other needed expenses. What Can College Students Do? Well, you can do what most college students in your position are doing – earn college money! Fortunately, there are a lot of opportunities available for college students. It’s just a matter of knowing...