How to Start a Business in 30 Days

Have a great idea or service you can provide to the world and want to know how to start your business in a month or less? Well, while some would say this is impossible, in the era of technology, startups have been able to make a grand debut in just a month. Here are some tips to help you get your business jump-started in 30 days. Come up with an Initial Business Plan 50% of startups and small businesses are projected to fail within the five years. With such high pressures and disadvantages, you want to make sure that you...

Ways to Fix a Failing Budget Before You Continue into Debt

While two-thirds of American’s do not even use a budget, it is important for the remaining third of the population to have a successful budget to stay ahead of those that do not.  If you find your budget is not working, then it is time to re-evaluate monthly spending and where funds are allocated to go.  Although hiring a professional may be the solution for some, others may just be a couple tweaks away from a successful budget and staying out of debt. Give a Little Wiggle Room for Events Monthly spending could be on a tight leash, but if...