The Value of Forensic Accounting

The field of forensic accounting has become more prominent in the public eye due to the increase in high-profile corruption and fraud cases.  To illustrate, the UK-based bank, Barclays, is the fourth largest bank in the world, with operations in over 50 countries; they recently received a wealth of negative publicity concerning its manipulated reporting of interest rates, which go into the calculation of Euribor and Libor rates. It has been suggested that Barclays are not the only bank to have misreported interest rates; there have been numerous other reported cases of banks misreporting, including UBS and The Royal Bank...

Setting Up Your Home Business

  Looking for a job can be a tough and lonely time. How many afternoons have you spent looking those job listings online and sending out cover letters and CVs? Probably too many already. It’s no surprise that in such situation home businesses are flourishing: 23 percent of the country’s businesses are now home-based, according to data from the Federation of Small Businesses. Rather than looking for a job that doesn’t seem to be there, many people have resorted to going it alone. But before taking this step, planning is essential. And this involves all aspects, from a business plan,...

What to Expect From an ‘Ethical Car’ Insurance Company

As a conscientious consumer in the United Kingdom, you may be aware that there are considerable differences between how different companies operate. While all companies strive to be profitable, some companies make an effort to operate in an ethical manner that goes above and beyond their competitors’ business practices. When you purchase car insurance, you have the option to purchase your cover from an ethical car insurance company. Before you make your buying decision, however, you may want to learn more about what to expect from an ethical car insurance company. 1. Cover Options That Meet Your Needs An ethical...

How Green Car Insurance Really Helps the Environment

If you are like many other drivers in the United Kingdom, you have heard about green car insurance numerous times in recent years. However, you have never taken the time to learn what the cover really provides to you or how it helps the environment. Many people have heard about green companies in a wide range of industries that take an extra initiative to have sustained facilities through the use of wind or solar energy or that take extra steps to recycle more than other companies do, and you may believe that this is what a green insurance company is...

Things To Do Before Taking a New Job

The search has come to end, you’ve finally been offered a new job, after months of hunting, interviews and waiting for call-backs. Getting that job offer rightly feels like a cause for celebration, a personal success, whether you take it or not. Herein likes the key point; you may be tempted to accept right away, but it’s often more sensible to take a step back and to make sure it’s the right fit for you. The main things you should confirm are the terms of the offer. Points such as weekly hours, how often you will be paid and annual...

The Importance of Business Insurance

In today’s economic climate, having adequate insurance is an integral element of everyday life.  Regardless of whether you are governed by law or obligation, you will be faced with a myriad of different types of insurance, including life insurance, health insurance, phone insurance, house insurance, car insurance, travel insurance and many other types of insurance. The same is also true for business owners; entrepreneurs must take out insurance policies for their business, irrespective of the size of the business, and the industry sector that the business finds itself within. There have been numerous reports of towns and cities suffering major...

At Last, a Good-news Story About Banks!

Splutter, gulp, cough…calm down now. No, not United Kingdom banks. Banks in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Apparently, there’s little in the way of flack there, only trust. Yep, the banks in Dubai and the rest of the UAE – you may even even have heard of some of them, HSBC, Barclays, Citibank and others – are tops when it comes to handling sensitive data, you know, current account, credit card, personal loan and other personal banking details. And they’re even more trusted than the government, according to research by Aimia, a global leader in loyalty management, and 60 per...

GIVEAWAY – First of its Kind Here – Structured Settlement , Yes Please!

First the important stuff.  Have you ever been in an accident and been receiving checks weekly or monthly from your workers comp carrier?  Ever considered settling for a lump sum and using the money the way you want to?  Well consider a structured settlement to help use the money the way you want to and have access to it the way you want.  It is in essence structured the way you want, if you want more money now that is great and can be worked into it. I used to work as a workers compensation adjuster and we would urge...

Payroll Outsourcing For Beginners

If you’re in charge of a company and thinking about what you can outsource that would be efficient, and an overall benefit to your company, payroll outsourcing could be your answer. All it means is that you hire another company to handle your payroll processing. There are some details to it, however, that will help you figure out whether it’s really for you and your business. How Payroll Outsourcing Works Different companies you hire may have solutions that vary slightly, however it is mostly the same types of processes. The packages offered vary by number of employees, being small business...

9 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Online Banking

Online banking brings a lot of advantages for business owners. It provides a safe and effective way of making transactions without wasting time and energy. This also gives business owners a secure platform for their finances. Online banking provides many benefits for business owners and their companies as well. There are many reasons why online banking is best for any type of business. 1. Easy Access to Accounts Business owners can easily access their accounts online. They are able to check their balances and withdraw funds from their accounts through the Internet. Owners can also see if their checks have...

Effective Ways To Keep Down The Cost of Home Insurance

One of those essential expenses that we all have is the cost of home insurance, especially those of us who are homeowners. Most of the time we just pay the premiums and never make a claim as nothing untoward happens that would require a claim. This is a great reason for investigating if you can reduce your cost of home insurance. There are different ways to do this, but start by checking what your renewal costs are and then get some fresh quotes to compare against your existing insurer. Make sure you ask for the exact same cover, with the...

How To Sell on Craigslist and Do It Successfully

Have you ever wondered how to sell on Craigslist but did not know where to turn to get started?  Well you have stumbled to the right place to learn how to make a quick buck by selling on Craigslist.  We will also teach you how not to get screwed by selling on Craigslist.  If you are not familiar with Craigslist please go take a look, it is the largest and most popular classifieds in the world.  If you own a small business or have unwanted items in the garage then you have come to the right place to learn how...

The UK Embraces Credit Cards

The amount we Brits spend on our credit cards is increasing. That’s according to new statistics released by the British Banking Association, who have revealed that £7.1 billion was spent on our cards during the month of October in this country – that’s an increase of over 5 per cent compared to the same month in the previous year. Better At Handling Our Credit Cards? The good news is that we’re getting much better at handling our plastic than ever before too – to go with increased use by British people, the amount of debt has gone down. Even though...

Poor Background Students: Are They Benefitting From Increased UK Tuition Fees?

The majority of undergraduate students in the UK have recently been hit by massive rise in UK tuition fees, but aside from cash-strapped universities receiving more income, it seems that there are other beneficiaries from the government’s controversial move. Poorer Pay Less in UK Tuition Fees According To Study According to a study by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), since tuition fees were first raised back in 2006, the gap between richer and poorer students attending university has narrowed significantly. This suggests that more working-class youngsters are taking the risk of studying for a degree, but why? Since the...

Debt Consolidation – Is it right for you?

There are many different ways to approach dealing with debt problems. For each person, it will be down to their individual circumstances and the amount they owe which path they choose when working to clear their debts. One option that you hear a lot about is debt consolidation. This is where a number of unsecured debts can be paid off at a stroke by taking out a new, larger loan that will cover all the smaller debts. This is a debt consolidation loan and is one way to manage debt. Benefits of Debt Consolidation Debt consolidation can add clarity to...

CouponChief: Find The Best CafePress Coupon Code

Ever since the internet took off a few years back, we have moved a lot of our shopping from brick and mortar to online shopping.  There have been a few times where I wanted a custom T shirt and we ordered the shirts at CafePress.  Being an internet savvy person, and the fact that I hate paying full price for something that I may not have to I stumbled across a CafePress coupon code on Coupon Chief coupon codes.  If you have never used Coupon Chief, I highly suggest you take a look at them. CafePress Coupon Code At the...

Manage Debt Before It Manages You

The old saying goes that debt has its way of creeping up on us without us really even knowing it and this post will be about how to manage debt.  Now a days we are so quick to pull out our credit card or debit card to make a purchase.  To manage debt we need to really look close at what we are spending our money on and really track it. It is important to keep debt at reasonable and manageable levels or we could end up incurring high interest rate charges. Even worse having barely enough money to pay...

Using Online Tools to Manage a Household Budget

If household expenses seem to pile up each month out of nowhere and you find yourself struggling to make ends meet, it’s time to create a budget. Many consumers used to rely on financial planners and other professionals in order to get their finances in order, but today’s array of free online tools can save you money. Just as you would use real estate listings sites such as Homesales real estate to search for a home, you could now use personal finance sites to get your budget in check. These can help you with a number of tasks, from monitoring...

Sponsored Video – Christmas Is Inching Closer: Buy Gifts For Children

As a Jeep owner I am happy to share this video. This post is sponsored by Jeep. It has been a busy week with work as working in finance it is month end and the financial situation like so many other businesses around is not doing good. Seeing first hand the money that the organization is bleeding does not give me that warm and fuzzy feeling, but it also makes me look inward to tidy up my own finances to make sure that I have my money in order. So here is what my wife and I have done since...

3 Steps to Eliminate Procrastination I Actually Learned In School

Almost all of us wish we were more productive, well the biggest secret to productivity I have found is time management! If we could eliminate procrastination and manage our time efficiently what we accomplish can be amazing. In this article I share the 3 simple time management steps I learned while I was getting my business degree. Procrastination is the enemy of time management and counterproductive to achieving goals. However, with a little insight, planning, goal setting and action procrastination can be a thing of the past.   Step #1 – Make A List The first step in time management...

Tips on Buying Your First Car

Do you remember when you went to purchase your first car?  Or maybe someone went and bought it for you.  This article is going to speak towards purchasing a used car, while maybe not new, it is new to you!  When you approach purchasing your first car think of it like a game of poker, as you enter the room keep eye contact with the seller and try to read them to get the best deal.  It is the same as being at the casino, if you can read the bluff your chances of winning increase. When looking for a car...

Five for Friday: But I have Been Working Hard and Didn’t Read Any Edition

Well there have been a lot of things going on the website the past few weeks.  My to-do list keeps growing and growing of things that I need to update.  Being a novice at this web design stuff this is taking alooooot longer than I usually anticipate.  I have been burning the midnight oil these past few days trying to get all these enhancements/improvements off the ground.  I am excited as I am a few weeks away from launching another website designed by the same guy that did all this logo and design work on this site. Here is a...

Insurance Matters: Having the family over for Christmas?

Christmas is usually a frantic time of year for most people. And in the months leading up to it, everyone’s busy buying gifts, planning the festive feast – and organizing where all of the guests are going to sleep. So it’s not surprising that some things drop to the bottom of the Christmas ‘to do’ list – like getting quotes from home insurance companies. But ironically, it’s the time of year when you might want to think more about your home insurance than usual. Because it’s when the contents of your home will probably be at its most valuable. You will have...

What Makes Opera Amazing?

Opera shows, the music is the driving force of the story and the drama. While musical theatre tells the story through the words, opera lets the melodies guide the audience’s emotions. As such, it is incredibly nuanced and powerful. It is also why you can enjoy opera even when the words are sung in a foreign language – the music is doing their job anyway. With just a rough idea of what’s going on, you can be swept along by the swell of melody. But don’t worry; you can also know what’s being sung as well! In recent decades most...

Easy Household Budget Strategies

Most people live paycheck to paycheck, and spend what they want whenever they want. But if you keep up that pattern long enough, you’ll soon discover that the money runs out before you’ve paid all the bills, and there is never any left over for special purchases or holidays. To get control of your household spending and start saving you will need to set up a household budget.  Coincidentally I have written a post about easy household budget strategies…. 🙂 The thought of having to stick to a budget might make you cringe. It sounds restrictive and boring. But if...