A Guide To Investment In Private Companies

Every investor knows the risks associated with investment in private companies. Total loss on investment is a real possibility and there is a limited market for these shares. However this is the most exciting areas of investment in today’s market and it provides excellent opportunities for capital growth. Venture capital may have high risk but it can also give high reward. In this highly speculative market where share prices may go up or down overnight and where past performance is no indicator for what may happen in the future, investors need financial advice to help them make the right decisions...

Find The Home Insurance That Suits You

It does not matter if you have a small or a big house, you would still need to get it insured. Choosing the right insurance plan may be tiring and confusing. That’s why you need to identify your needs and compare different insurance quotes. It is crucial to find the right balance so that you would not be under- or over-insured. Before you talk to an insurance specialist, here are some points you need to consider. Don’t forget to do your homework before choosing an insurance plan: First of all, educate yourself on your neighborhood conditions. Find out more about annual...

What’s the Deal with Extra Income?

I was talking with my husband recently about my plans/dreams for extra income. I babbled on and on for a few minutes about plans I have for my blog and how I really want to start ramping up my extra income. Several minutes in, my husband interrupted…”Um, why are you so worried about making extra money?” Hm. Good question. It got me really thinking about why I want to try and make a little money outside of my regular job. Unlike most of the PF community, I don’t have a lot of debt and am not trying to pay off...

Do You Really Need an Emergency Fund?

An emergency fund is often times something that you don’t think about until it comes time where you need it. There are a number of items to save for including future goals such as retirement, a down payment on a home, or paying off debt. For this reason it is no surprise that an emergency fund can be pushed to the backburner. There are some cases where it is said that an emergency fund may not be necessary at all. The answer to this question has a lot to do with your current situation in life. Determining your needs is...

Yakezie Carnival: Happy Cinco de Mayo

Well here are the best from around the web for this very warm cinco de mayo. Hope you enjoyed the weekend, enjoy the reading. Christopher @ This That and the MBA writes Building My Credit History: An Update – I started out with no credit history..and decided to go with a secured credit card to help build my credit. Come see how I have made out so far and read my original post! SB @ One Cent at a Time writes How Much Debt Is Too Much Debt – Most people have some kind of debt. It might be a...

Smart Ways to Improve Bad Credit

We’ve all seen the commercials with the funny band playing a catchy tune and doing something goofy, all for the sake of checking your personal credit score. Bad credit is becoming a problem in the US. According to Barry Ritholtz of The Big Picture blog, 25% of Americans have bad credit. But understanding what can cause bad credit, and how to spend and invest wisely may keep you out of the bad credit score club. The popular opinion about the use of credit has been in a constant state of change over the last few generations. Years ago, credit was...

Building My Credit History: An Update

As some of you might remember, my first ever post here at This That and the MBA was about how I had no credit history. That’s right. I have a very unique problem here in the PF world. No student loans, no debt, no coming-back-from-the-edge-of-the-financial-cliff story. I literally had no credit history. I explained in the first post that this happened because I was afraid of credit cards and how I might misuse them. But, that led me to being (almost) 27 and having no credit history. Oops. I finally decided that I had a few options: open a credit...

Innovation in Banks and Financial Institutions

Banks and financial institutions play a major role in the stabilization of the economy. The generic roles of banks are associated with managing growth, development, business operations, financial security and managing inflation. However, they do much more, far more than many people realize. This means that they should be at the center of rebuilding economic reforms. It has been the growth of financial institutions that has spawned the careers of many successful business analysts. Change through communication Banks and financial institutions were at the main stage when the fiscal crisis struck. After a lot of analysis, it was purported that...

New Year Resolutions: Energy Efficient Home Improvements

As we welcome 2013, many are looking at their own home and how they can improve it and, in turn, save money due to an increase in energy efficiency. Where many modern properties are incredibly energy efficient, older homes could contribute to a rise in monthly payments, unless some home improvements are considered. Ever since we moved into our circa 1920’s house I have been trying to small upgrades that we are finally starting to see nice returns from.  I know doing a boiler is a big expensive project, consider doing smaller ones unless you are able to afford a...

Advantages of an Advanced Degree

It’s no secret that education is one of the largest investments someone can make during their lifetime so it’s important that they properly understand what they’re getting into.  With the time and money it takes to get an advanced degree, like a masters in communication it’s understandable that many people are wondering if it’s worth all the work. Is an advanced degree worth it in the long run?  If you’re looking to beef up your resume and get a better chance at landing a good career, gaining an MBA is an incredibly good idea.  While having a bachelor’s degree certainly...

5 Valuable Investment Principles You Should Always Follow

Before you step into the investment world, you need to be aware of some important basics and principles to follow. These include knowing where and how to invest, considering safety margins, steering clear of what sounds attractive to you and being diverse. These five tips will help you remain a wise investor. 1. Learn What Kind of Investor You Really Are Image via Flickr futureshape If you’re excited about the stock market, mutual funds and short and long-term investments do you know what kind of investor you are? Do you like risks or do you want a sure or safe...

Why the CFPB & Stay-at-Home Spouses Need to Go Back to the Drawing Board

If we’re talking about a common sense approach to finance – as is the motto of This That & the MBA – the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s proposed solution to the stay-at-home mom credit crisis certainly doesn’t qualify.  In fact, it might even create a rack of far more serious issues, such as a trend toward mediocre credit card terms and overall banking instability. Do I have your attention yet? Hopefully I do, even if you are a bit confused at this point.  A bit of background is obviously in order if you’re to fully understand the issue at hand,...

Litigation Funding and the Rest of the World

Litigation funding, or third-party funding as it is also known, is by far the most popular and effective method of acquiring financial support for an impending court case. This method is widely used across the whole of England, Wales, the US and Australia. But as its positive reputation grows worldwide, how are other countries implementing it? Litigation funding in other parts of the world is still a growing trend, especially compared to its use and success in England and Wales. The thing to remember is that other countries have varied attitudes and laws, including their opinions and methods towards maintenance...

The 3 Most Popular Types Of Credit Cards And Who They Are Designed For

These days, one of the most popular topics in the personal finance industry is credit cards. They seem to be the center of discussion on blogs, financial T.V. shows and even in newspapers! This should come as no surprise knowing the the vast majority of consumers in the United States use credit cards and use them option. As this financial option has evolved, more and more different types of credit cards have become available to consumers. Today, we are going to go over the top 3 most popular types of credit cards, who they are designed for and, what has...

VA Loan Volume Continues to Increase

With 2012 seeing the highest volume of VA-backed mortgages in 18 years, it’s becoming more and more apparent that VA loans are the best choice of home loans for veterans. Private, more conventional loans can be extra difficult and much more expensive for veterans to acquire. VA-backed loans were literally made for veterans. Being backed by the VA allows lenders to offer things like no money down, competitive rates, and make it easier to qualify for a loan. It’s no wonder why there’s been a rise in loan numbers. But how does the VA loan process work? Getting Started The...

Low Cost Auto Premiums: 5 Tips to Maintain Low Auto Insurance Premiums

There is nothing cheap about owning an automobile, yet just about everyone needs a car to go about their daily routine. Typical expenses associated with owning a car include the monthly payment, auto insurance, repairs, maintenance and registration. And if you manage your family’s finances, you may look for ways to lower your transportation costs. Fortunately, there are practical and simple ways to find affordable car insurance. Lowering your auto insurance premium can free up cash, allowing you to save each month. Here are five tips to help you find low-cost auto insurance. 1. Be loyal Loyalty goes a long...

Venture Capital in the Twitter Age

Gone are the days when venture capitalists avoided growing their brand through self-promotion. Today most VC’s are actively engaging in social networks – like Twitter – in order to spread the word and increase awareness about their investments. The ‘tweeting’ trend is only going to grow with time, as many top Venture Capitalist firms are building marketing/promotion teams (or hiring PR agencies) to help them leverage Twitter in the best possible way. Venture Capitalists who are failing to use Twitter to foster new relationships and grow their brand are missing out on a big opportunity. How Are Venture Capitalists Using...

Seasonal Saving: Spring Edition

Lots of people talk about (or write about) when to buy certain things like appliances, cars, or other equipment to get the best deal. They say to buy cars at the end of the year, houses in the spring, and furniture in the summer. But what about the smaller stuff? What can you do seasonally to save on the small stuff? Since Spring is just around the corner (hopefully) I thought I’d share my favorite ways to save money this season. 1. Turn off the heat and open those windows! Once the weather is nice, I’m all about leaving the windows open...

Where are you going…with the long face

Sorry I am a huge DMB fan and I get carried away at times.  When I started my site, I was not doing any of the necessary backups to protect the integrity should the bad guys get in there and hack the site. Well come to find out, shortly on my journey into blogging, my site was hacked and malware was inserted.  Sifting through lines of code that I do not understand was just the beginning.  I had built up a decent amount of traffic who now had the potential to have their computers infected.  Needless to say it was...

Roof Damage: How To Finance Roof Repairs

This is the first house that we owned and with it comes as whole slew of new problems including roof damage.  Welcome to home ownership!  I hope when you went to purchase your house you did the extended due diligence to make sure there were no structural issues with the house and proper roof maintenance has been performed.  These can be incredibly expensive if one of these pop up after you have purchased the house.  I am going to dive into roof damage to asphalt shingles in this article and how to ensure that it does not happen to you. ...

Want To Buy A House, Pay Your Student Loan Bill

I received a call recently from a friend who was trying to get pre-approved on a mortgage to buy his first home. Problem was, my friend had his credit checked by his bank and it came back that he had a defaulted student loan. Bottom line, the bank would not extend him credit even if he went back and refinanced the student loans. For my friend, Defaulted Student Loan = No Mortgage On one hand I feel really bad for my friend, but I also want to hit him in the back of the head for being clueless. Student loans...