Advantages of an Advanced Degree

I graduated with an advanced degreeIt’s no secret that education is one of the largest investments someone can make during their lifetime so it’s important that they properly understand what they’re getting into.  With the time and money it takes to get an advanced degree, like a masters in communication it’s understandable that many people are wondering if it’s worth all the work.

Is an advanced degree worth it in the long run?  If you’re looking to beef up your resume and get a better chance at landing a good career, gaining an MBA is an incredibly good idea.  While having a bachelor’s degree certainly isn’t a bad idea and it definitely helps you out in the job market, it still doesn’t quite compare to the effects an advanced degree has on a person’s career.

Those students who go on to specialized programs like the MBA Program in Wisconsin will see a much better chance at getting a successful career offer than those who didn’t.  In fact, many steady jobs will require an advanced degree just to apply for them these days and those who have gone on from the bachelor’s program will usually be chosen over those who haven’t.

Likewise, those with an advanced degree will more than likely see a higher salary than those without one.  The figures themselves will vary depending on profession and what program you’ve gotten your degree from, but in general, those with MBAs are slated to make at a few more hundred dollars more per week according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The earning potential for those with MBAs is quite a bit more than those without one, which already makes obtaining an advanced degree well worth the time and money that it requires to get one.  Although the money it will take to effectively pay down the student loans that have been accumulated will be higher than if you were to only have a four-year degree, you’ll still be making a profit.

Additionally, those with advanced degrees are more likely to land stable jobs and move up into higher management positions.  Because advanced degrees are still considered to be slightly rare among employees, they are treated as something of a unique commodity among many employers.  They will typically be chosen for the long term positions over their bachelor degree counterparts.

They will also be more likely to be moved up the corporate ladder if they have an advanced degree, which means it’s also a good idea for those who currently have a bachelor’s degree to eventually consider expanding their education.

Many careers and job positions on the upper part of the ladder require some kind of advanced education and although it is possible to move upward just based on seniority if the company wants to promote from within, you are much more likely to be considered for the promotion if you’ve already got the education required.

Getting an MBA is an extremely wise investment on anyone’s part who is looking to better their career and be able to grab stable positions that wouldn’t otherwise be open to them.  Those who have already gotten their bachelor’s should always be looking for ways to improve their education experience for their resume as they will see quite a bit more luck on the job market if they do so.  The increased salary and more available positions will heavily offset the work and money required to go through the program.

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4 thoughts on “Advantages of an Advanced Degree

  1. I think my MBA was well worth it. The cost wasn’t too bad also 🙂

    1. I hate paying mine off now. I wasnt disciplined when I got my mba, i took out the loan and then didnt pay it off as i was working.

  2. I think an advanced degree is a great idea if the ROI is going to be in your favor. I know a few people who have advanced degrees and work in low paying career fields.

  3. MBAs, depending on institution, do definitely sound worth it if you want to go into certain areas. Great level-headed analysis here.

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