Carnival of Retirement

JP @ My Family Finances writes 10 Tips for Choosing the Best Home Loan – Not all home loans are created equally, and some mortgages are more beneficial than others. When purchasing or refinancing a house, consider these tips on selecting the home loan that works best for you. Tushar Mathur @ Everything Finance writes 5 Ways To Save Money When Traveling – Traveling is costly, but add in all the extra fees and it can get even more expensive. Here are 5 ways to save money when traveling so you can avoid them. Don @ Money Reasons writes The...

Weekly Round Up – November 08, 2013

 Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on what’s the deal with extra income, and let me know what you  think.  A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week.  1. Don’t Sweat Margin Debt:  One data point that has found a home among the bearish community is the total amount of New York  Stock Exchange margin debt. It is at record highs, and this supposedly means the end of the bull  market is nigh. (more…)

Essential Online Payment Options for an eCommerce Store

As an eCommerce store owner, you obviously rely on the sales for your business. This means that you have to have online payment options. It used to be enough to have only one option, but now flexibility for payment increases the likelihood that you’ll be able to make sales. Here are some of the essential payment options you’ll want to consider and some tricks for getting the most out of them. Credit Cards Credit cards used to be the one option you absolutely had to have on your eCommerce store, but that isn’t necessarily the case. However, having the option...

Weekly Round Up – November 01, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on how to build passive income, and let me know what you  think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. What the Senate Didn’t Do on the Debt Ceiling:  With both chambers of Congress back in session on Tuesday, budget theatrics returned to Capitol Hill. In the legislative equivalent of a double negative, the Senate voted down a resolution blocking the president from extending the country’s borrowing limit. In other words: The Treasury can still borrow money to pay the country’s...

Are You Losing Money By Living Abroad?

Moving abroad for your retirement years can be an amazing experience. However, to what extent do you consider how much this will affect your pension? For many British expats the reality is that the impact can be quite significant. In total, around £10.6 billion is lost from British pensions. As this infographic created by HiFX points out, expats living in South Africa are the best off while those living in Switzerland experience the worst impact. It’s important t be aware of the implications of moving abroad when it comes to claiming your pension, but there are things you can do...

What You Should Know When Looking for a First Home

There is nothing happier or scarier than buying a home for the first time. It can take years to find the home you want to purchase and almost as long to find the financing you need to get into the home. There are a few tricks that will help you to get the kind of home you are looking for and make it affordable. You will need to make sure that you are aware of what your budget is when looking for a home, get a good rate on your mortgage, and ensure you have the right insurance for protecting...

Weekly Round Up – October 25, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on tips for an effective post, and let me know what you  think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Demilitarize the Debt Ceiling:  And there we are: Victory! The debt limit has been raised. After weeks and weeks of open conflict, intense infighting, and yes, some passive-aggressive sitting around as well, the President and Congress have managed to avert U.S. default and reopen the federal government. The PandaCam is back! Plus, a global financial crisis has been averted or...

4 Ways to Grow Into Financial Independence

4 Ways to Gain Financial Independence from Your Parents Becoming financially independent from your parents can seem daunting. For many, it means getting a job, moving out, opening a personal checking account , establishing credit, and saving.  This can be a tall order for those who have no experience with finances or living on their own. Read these tips below and get an idea how to launch into financial independence successfully. (more…)

Financial Education: What is an ACCA Qualification?

Anyone who holds an ACCA qualification is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, a global organisation which issues qualifications in the field of accountancy, auditing and taxation. The company itself is approved by a British Royal Charter and has influence all over the world. With over 160,000 current members and around 425,000 students, ACCA provides special privileges and services to its associates through 89 international offices. To attain membership with ACCA and become a charted certified accountant, a student must pass 14 examinations and attain practical experience in the relevant areas. Additional training can also be given for...

Weekly Round Up – October 18, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on how to start a blog, and let me know what you  think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Senate stalls bi-partisan debt ceiling deal to end government shutdown:  With only five days left to a possible default, there is yet no unity in the US senate with Republicans and Democrats rejecting each other’s proposal to end the 12-day-old government shutdown. (more…)

Carnival of Financial Planning – Better Late than Never!

OMG i missed it, I wish the emails would come with the dates that the carnival is scheduled to be posted for 🙂 Well.  I missed it and here it is without further adieu. BUDGETING AND ECONOMICS Jester @ The Ultimate Juggle writes How Much Money Can You Save By Breastfeeding? – Babies are expensive – breastfeeding can save money. Read my personal analysis and see how much I saved this way. Dividend Growth Investor @ Dividend Growth Investor writes Do not despise the days of small beginnings – In this article I argue why it is important to start...

Weekly Round Up – October 11, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on online day trading 101, and let me know what you  think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Here’s The Truth About Debt Ceiling Trutherism: One of the more concerning developments in the debt-ceiling fight is the growing contingent of Republicans who just aren’t that worried about raising the debt ceiling in a timely fashion. (more…)

Evaluating Legal Advice Online

You can find all kinds of great legal advice online, but given the vast breadth of United States’ law alone, the advice you read may not be appropriate for your situation. That does not even take into consideration the sites that provide inaccurate or outdated information. Before you act on information that you read online, you need to evaluate it to make sure it is accurate. Check for Credentials Look to see who wrote the article. While individuals who are not lawyers may have specialized information, remember that they are not held to the same standards as lawyers. By law,...

Is Auto Dealership Financing Worth the Convenience?

If you’re in the market for a new car, not only must you find a vehicle that fits within your budget but also find financing to pay for it. Some options include paying the full cost from your savings account, negotiating a personal loan with your bank, or signing up for a leasing agreement. Yet another option is to take out a loan directly at the dealership. There are a number of pros and cons to auto dealer loans, which are worth looking at in greater detail before you sign on the dotted line. Benefits of Dealer Loans One of...

Weekly Round Up – October 4, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on why private cloud hosting, and let me know what you  think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week.  1. Gold price moves north on US debt ceiling drama:  Gold hit a nine-day high and may achieve its first positive quarter in a year as the US debt ceiling showdown pushes investors towards safe havens. Though few analysts expect to see the sort of golden rise that accompanied the 2011 debt ceiling drama, gold jumped to $1,354 on Sunday – the highest...

Debt Got You Down?

Debt can be a huge drain on your ability to gain any ground in life. There are many different reasons that people go into debt. Maybe the financial climate has hit you hard or maybe you are simply trying to pay back student loans. No matter the cause, if you are in debt your number one goal should be to eliminate it. However, you might want to tackle your debt differently depending on the type of debt and the circumstances of your unique situation. So where are you in your financial game? Are you coming along well but you feel...

Weekly Round Up – September 27, 2013

 Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on how to start a blog: the ultimate guide, and let me know what you  think.  A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week.  1. With No Talks on Debt Ceiling, Risks Mount:  As the nation approached its legal borrowing limit more than two years ago, President Barack Obama entered long and messy negotiations with Republicans in Congress. Amid the debate, his job-approval ratings fell to record lows. Now, Mr. Obama is trying a new strategy, refusing to negotiate over terms for raising...

Thinking of Law School? Six Areas of Law to Consider Specializing in and Why

To become a great lawyer after passing the bar, it’s a good idea to find an area of the law to specialize in. Specialization helps to build your knowledge and secures better outcomes for clients because of your familiarity with the subject matter. Criminal law, immigration, personal injury, family law, estate planning and real estate law are all areas that provide a great living and personal satisfaction through helping others. Criminal Law: The practice of criminal law will never end because people will always break the law. As a specialist in criminal law, you will be able to work to...

Weekly Round Up – September 20, 2013

 Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on Sticky Blog Posts: 8 Tips for an Effective Post, and let me know what you  think.  A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week.  1. Obama economic adviser’s refrain: No debt ceiling negotiations President Barack Obama and his closest advisers are making it clear: They will not negotiate on the  looming debt ceiling. In an interview on Sunday with ABC, Obama said he “will not negotiate…on the debt ceiling” because making a debate over the credit of the United States the...

Brand Building: How To Launch Your New Brand Into The Big Leagues

Owning a business is much like owning a baseball team. You have the minor leagues and the major leagues. Household names fall in the latter as do the biggest profits, so it only makes sense that everyone would want to try and shoot for the big leagues with their brand. The thing about making that change is that you may be doing some things with your relatively new brand while in the minor leagues that won’t work when you try to make your brand big. You may even find that some things you’ll learn about shifting to the major league...

Weekly Round Up – September 13, 2013

 Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on 5 SEO Tips, and let me know what you  think.  A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week.  1. DC residents losing property in ‘predatory’ debt-collection program – report: Washington DC officials have set up a controversial program that allows out-of-state investors to initiate foreclosures against homeowners who have fallen behind on their taxes, in some cases for just hundreds of dollars. The District of Columbia for many years placed liens – a means of debt security – on properties...

Carnival of Financial Planning: Friday the 13th Edition

BUDGETING AND ECONOMICS Alexis @ FITnancials writes Save Money on Food AND Eat Healthy – I’m on a budget, and a kind of strict one as well. Since I am on a budget, I am always looking for ways to save money on food. Some people spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on each person in their family on food. Some families have food budgets in the thousands each month, which amazes me! Matt @ Budget Snob writes Easy Ways to Start Saving – Today we live world where being a big spender is a symbol of status and is...

Weekly Round Up – September 6, 2013

 Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on how to build passive income, and let me know what you  think.  A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week.  1. Tropical island paradise tops debt league:  The Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean, better known for their pristine beaches and crystal  clear waters, are the most indebted nation in the world, according to a new report released on Monday. The “debt league” compiled data on government debt and private debt and looked at how much a country owes as well as...

Thrifty vs. Stingy: The Balance Between Being Saving-Savvy and Saving-Scroogey in College

No one wants to be remembered as stingy, but limitless benevolence is often not a choice for college students. So here are some tips to make sure you won’t be remembered as the Scroogey one at college reunions. The Problem: With the average bar drink priced at $10 and minimum wage around there, the cost of going out on weekends and evenings can add up scary fast…but you don’t want to miss out on the fun by staying home alone. The Solution: Bring the fun home. Suggest taking turns hosting gatherings among your buddies. Have a potluck and BYOB so...

Important Factors For Solicitors When Choosing A Third-Party Litigation Funder

Introduction to third-party litigation funding: Best, briefly defined as the’ financing of litigation by an independent person(s) not party  to the litigation, in return for a share of the winnings  where the outcome is successful’, third-party litigation has grown rapidly in the past five years. So some advice for solicitors considering third-party funding: Why do they need third-party funding? The best answer here is that their clients need it. Without third party funding many would-be litigants would simply have to abandon any hope of pursuing their claim to justice.  With the best interest of their clients at heart the solicitor...