Tips for the Online Marketer

The purpose of this website it to help you with your online business.  More and more people are looking to the internet to supplement their income. Building an online business is achievable but most people who do not have the proper foundation will fail. There are certain things you will need to succeed online.  You are going to need a product, a website, customers, training and support. (more…)

Internet Marketing Toronto

More and more people are moving from traditional marketing to internet marketing. Toronto small business owners are going for internet marketing because the results are measurable. Several online tools will tell you how your marketing campaign is doing. Having this information is important because you will be able to change your strategy, to change or improve your product, or to target a different demographic group. With traditional marketing such as newspaper classified ads and television and radio adverts, there is no way of knowing how the audience is influenced by the adverts. (more…)

Must See Guerrilla Marketing Examples

  Great marketing is all about ROI. While a carefully planned, scientifically optimized online marketing campaign can earn two, three, or even four times what it costs, it’s rarely as profitable as a quirky and eye-catching guerrilla marketing campaign. From faux submarines t   o floating lifeboats, we’ve teamed up with Display Wizard to bring you four guerrilla marketing examples that use props and eye-catching images to spread their message when you’re least expecting it. 1. Milans’ Street Submarine It’s easy to sell high fashion and luxury, but selling important yet boring services like insurance can be tough. Italian insurance...

Getting Approved for a Personal Loan – It’s Simple Maths Really

Many British consumers would love the privilege of borrowing a personal loan to make important purchases. Some would even like to borrow money to put away in a savings account for the future. Maths is one of the most important components in any financial process. Without using the elements of maths, a person could be under the false presumption that he or she does or does not qualify for assistance. The following is an explanation of how a UK consumer can use simple math to figure the likelihood of receiving a personal loan. Calculating Disposable Income The first step in...

5 Financial Mistakes You Should Never Make Twice.

Everyone makes mistakes at times. The key is to never repeat them. If you’re looking into ways to create a brighter financial future for yourself and your family, read on. Here are 5 financial mistakes you should never make twice. 1. Using credit cards to get by. If you find yourself relying on credit cards to pay bills and to fund your nights out, then you really need to have a good look at your financial situation. Credit cards should only really be used in emergency situations, or when you simply don’t have enough cash on hand to make a...

Small Business Branding Tips

Small businesses typically don’t have much of a budget for branding and marketing. It is the sort of thing that’s really hard, because a lot of traditional marketing media is expensive. TV spots, radio broadcasts and widespread posters are expensive, eating away at the company’s money when it could be better spent elsewhere. However, there are ways to help people find out more about the products that are on sale without necessarily having to spend a fortune to do so. The first thing to do is to look at all the potential alternatives. For example, online marketing avenues are much cheaper. An account on a...

How to Invest Money

Money Market Accounts The modern savings account in a bank is a horrible investment. Many people looking for alternatives to it end up putting their money in a money market account (MMA) with an investment brokerage or other financial institution. The question is whether this is a good choice or not? How do money market accounts work? Well, it depends on the specific account. Generally, they take the money they receive, pool it and then buy ultra low risk investments like treasury notes. These produce a small, but stable return that beats anything a traditional savings account will produce. Will you get rich from the return? Not a...

Weekly Round Up – January 03, 2014

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on Innovative Internet Marketing Ideas, and let me know what you think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Mortgage rise will plunge a million homeowners into ‘perilous debt’:  More than a million homeowners will be at risk of defaulting on their mortgages and losing their properties in the wake of even a small rise in interest rates, a bombshell analysis reveals. Borrowers who have failed to pay down their mortgages when interest rates have been at record low levels...

Using Facebook as an Online Public Relation and Social Marketing Tool

If you are in business who’s need the great marketing and social awareness [read here] about services of the firm than the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Google+ etc. can be very helpful for endorsement of product and services of the enterprise. If want to launch a new service or a new creation than social networking websites can do the advertisement for your new product and services. The advertisement is an essential effort for the promotion of fresh product. Generally the new product is failed as compare to expected selling just because of dreadful marketing. Marketing is the backbone...

Marketing Your Small Business through Generating Referral and Repeat Business

Making Your Small Business Marketing Dollars Go Further by Generating Word-of-Mouth, Referral and Repeat Business Relationship building is possibly the most effective way to market a small business these days. This is part one in a two part series that will give you a ton of ideas about how to market your small business through generating word-of-mouth, referral and repeat business:   Combat the clutter that your clients and customers filter out every day.  We are so bombarded by marketing messages. Not one of us doesn’t experience information overload – nearly every day. There isn’t a lack of information out there about...

Weekly Round Up – December 27, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on what to look for in an online trading platform, and let me know what you think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Democrats Miss Again on Student Debt Fix:  Currently, institutions are kicked out of the federal loan program if their two-year default rates are 25 percent or higher for three years or exceed 40 percent in any single year. The most recent national two-year cohort default rate across all sectors of higher education was 10.0 – the highest since 1995. The department...

Clear Compelling Marketing

At Your Marketing Lab, we offer a free email course that’s all about how to create a consistent core message that resonates with your ideal customer or client. Why is this important? We are so over-marketed to these days (you might have noticed), that only the clearest, most compelling messages make it through – and even more importantly – move us to action. Below are a few of the main points covered in that course, summarized? 1. Marketing is really about a continuous conversation you are having with your customers, prospects, vendors, and partners. In fact, every point of contact your business has with the outside...

Innovative Internet Marketing Ideas

When it comes to innovative internet marketing ideas, you might find that different persons have absolutely different options on what is considered new. For instant, there are some business owners who have been using a particular type of internet marketing for some time. At the same time there are people who just have heard about it, making it a new and innovative internet marketing idea. According to this reason when it comes to find internet marketing strategies or ideas, you should not limit yourself to something that is just old or something that just new. Keeping all your options open...

Weekly Round Up – December 20, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on online day trading 101, and let me know what you   think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. College Student Debt Soars; College Presidents’ Pay Skyrockets:  Presidents of U.S. colleges and universities fundraise with donors, preside over graduation ceremonies and provide unversities with long-range strategic vision. They are also paid handsomely for their work. Forty-two private college presidents earned more than $1 million in 2011, according to a new analysis by The Chronicle of Higher Education. The median...

Holy Grail of Network Marketing

Since online advertising may seem easy at first, many companies go about it the wrong way. Too many people see advertising line in the same way as traditional offline advertising. In the real world, the business has succeeded in part through its brand by constantly visible; regularly bring to the attention of potential customers through the media, such as mailings, pamphlets, brochures, business cards, radio and television. But this principle does not apply online in the same way. The bombardment of people with banner ads and emails will most likely result your email address each time added to spam lists,...

Weekly Round Up – December 13, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on  how to build passive income, and let me know what you   think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. A Snapshot of How Much Debt 12 Boston-Area Colleges are Saddling Students With:  Student loan debt is, unsurprisingly, on the rise again. After all, the financial burden has been weighing graduates down by an increased six percent year over year — a hike that’s led to the eventual $29,400 the Class of 2012 is, on average, saddled with. (more…)

Litigation History: Patent Wars Throughout Recent History

It’s easy to assume that today’s patent wars are a new phenomenon. With billions of dollars spent on litigation – a figure that, in many cases, exceeds the amount used in research and development – the scale and intensity of today’s patent litigation can seem unique in history. Despite this assumed uniqueness, today’s patent wars are not only very similar to those that occurred during previous centuries, but in some cases actually smaller in scale than their forerunners. Today’s patent-related lawsuits are both less common and less costly than those that have occurred throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. (more…)

Weekly Round Up – December 06, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on why private cloud hosting, and let me know what you   think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. There is no debt ceiling crisis – just an erroneous fixation with the West Wing:  The way the Coalition has carried on in recent weeks, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Australia was in the grip of a US-style debt ceiling crisis threatening to shut down our government and our very way of life. (more…)

Understanding the Interest Rate Risk in Your Portfolio

Interest rates greatly affect many personal finance choices. From refinancing mortgages for more affordable payments to transferring credit card balances for faster payoffs; historically low interest rates are helping Americans improve their finances. However, making investment decisions can be more difficult in a low interest rate economy. It is important to understand the degree of interest rate risk in your portfolio and rebalance investments accordingly if needed. While investment strategies run the gamut, most everyday investors own fixed income in the form of bonds, CDs or savings accounts. Simply avoiding fixed income investments or taking excessive risks for yield can...

Weekly Round Up – November 29, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on how to start a blog, and let me know what you   think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. America’s health care cost slowdown and the disappearing debt:  Six years after the start of the Great Recession, there should be little disagreement what America’s number one domestic priority should be. With unemployment still stuck around 7 percent four plus years after that recession was declared “over,” creating jobs has to be Job #1. (more…)

Weekly Round Up – November 22, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on why private cloud hosting, and let me know what you   think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Climate debt collectors: Occupy wants the 1% to pay up  Last year, Strike Debt — a small collective of New York-based academics, filmmakers, and business types published a short book called The Debt Resistors’ Operations Manual [PDF], which alternated between dispensing advice on how to clean up credit scores and chronicling the recent history of the finance industry. (more…)

Weekly Round Up – November 15, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on how to start a blog: the ultimate guide, and let me know what you   think.  A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week.  1. How I Finally Paid Off a Lifetime of Credit Card Debt:  I’ve been a debtor all my life. My parents first met at a financial loan office—my dad issued loans, my mom worked in the office. They divorced when I was 10 and my mother was left to raise two daughters in Cincinnati, Ohio on a...

How to Manage your Money with Able2Extract Professional 8

If you are responsible for overseeing the financials of your business or simply trying to keep up with your day-to-day household budget, you probably already have plenty of productivity tools that you use to make the process easier. Various software, pre-made financial spreadsheets, calculators and online tools have made keeping track of your money easier than ever before. However, there is one aspect that still might be inconvenient when keeping tabs on your finances in the electronic world, and that is dealing with paper receipts. If you want to archive these spreadsheets and receipts, you are most likely scanning them...