3 Key Tips for Thriving Through Major Changes at Work

Whether it’s learning new software or adjusting to a new boss, there’s bound to change during your career. 

Do you feel as if everyone in your office is adjusting perfectly to the changes while you’re left scrambling? If you have trouble handling change in the workplace, don’t fret. You can’t avoid the changes, but you can overcome them and succeed at your job.

at work

It’s important to always be prepared for changes at work. Keep reading for three key tips for thriving through major changes at work.

1. Look for the Positives

Change is going to happen, but you have to try to keep the situation positive — not just for your job security but also for your mental health. Employees experiencing change are twice as likely to report chronic work stress. 

Was your favorite boss replaced by a new employee who doesn’t know anything about your job? Think of it as an opportunity to make a fresh start and stand out by helping them adjust to their new position. 

Struggling to juggle new job responsibilities that were added to your duties without any notice? Consider this your boss saying they trust you to take on additional work. You can even use it as a reason to ask for increased compensation during your next performance review. 

Your bosses and coworkers will appreciate your positive outlook and you may even help change a few of their opinions on the matter as well. 

2. Embrace Micro-Learning

Micro-learning is the process of breaking down a large training process into smaller goals or teaching moments. 

This makes what previously seemed like an unachievable goal, achievable. By learning how to handle the new change step by step, you retain the information better and it helps ease the burden of the learning process. 

So the next time your workplace suggests a three-day workshop to learn new technology, bring up the idea of micro-learning instead. This article will help you find out more about why micro-learning may be the right solution for your workplace.

3. Voice Your Struggles, Concerns

When embracing change in the workplace, it’s okay to voice any struggles or concerns you experience. 

You never know if several other employees are experiencing the same things but reluctant to discuss it. Once you start an open discussion about the change, your workplace can come together to think of solutions. 

But whenever you’re voicing your opinions on change, it’s a good practice to start with the positives then introduce your concerns. For example, you could say, “This new accounting software will reduce our bookkeeping mistakes, but I’m a little concerned that the learning process will take time away from my other duties.”

This helps keep the conversation positive and show you’re willing to work through any issues that arise. 

Succeed at Work Regardless of the Situation

The next time you sense a big change coming at work, use these tips to help you succeed. 

Start by looking for the positives in the situation to help change your outlook. Then, embrace micro-learning to break down the learning process into smaller tasks. Finally, don’t be afraid to voice any concerns so that you and your coworkers can think of solutions together. 

Looking to accomplish more within the workplace? Visit the Goals section of this site to learn how to set reasonable goals and reach them in no time.