Why Slowing Down Lets You Do and Become More

A lot of businessmen and young entrepreneurs today struggle to make their break in whatever business they choose to venture on. The saddest part in this is that they’ve only tasted the first part and get burned out so easily that they think it isn’t for them at all. Although the type of business venture has a great impact as to where you will be going the next year or so, the fact of the matter is, it really isn’t the business that’s wrong, it’s how you go about it.

There are a lot of principles that every business minded person needs to master or at least take at shot at mastering. It is essential that you have an open mind and most importantly a firm belief in your capability to make things work for the better. It’s been said countless times in seminars and self help or business books, yet somehow, people still manage to still think business is not for them. You may think that you are doing so many activities for your business but why has it still not shown progress. Apart from the basic belief stuff, which is very important, here are some things that you may not have even fathomed to think about.

Over the Top Excited Burns Down Easily

Remember that light bulb moment or that eureka look on your face when you’ve finally found the right avenue for you to profit from? Well, be careful of getting too excited because these kinds of yearning or burning for a certain business often ends up disappointing you more. It is important to harness that excitement into something fruitful and productive. Always remember that too much analysis can lead to paralysis. If you keep on focusing on that eureka moment, you’ll soon end up doing nothing for your business.

Business Is a Triathlon

Have ever seen a marathon or triathlon run or train? If you’ll notice, athletes rarely focus on speed. Rather, they focus on stamina and endurance. In business, working your way to the top is not just about being fast. Sure, the early bird gets the worm, but the early ones who got it and is less equipped to know what to do once they’ve got it, fails. It’s an age old saying; slow is fast. Take time to learn about the industry you are in and enjoy the journey that goes with it. Educating yourself with the ins and outs of the industry is like training for your own business triathlon.

Taking Time to Smell the Roses

Every successful business man or woman has had their shares of ups and down. But what makes their life so much sweeter is not the money or other material things they possess, but their personal stories that make them real and genuine. Your story doesn’t have to be a rags to riches kind of thing, but it is important to take some time to pause every once in a while to appreciate what you’ve done so far. Every step in becoming who you want to be is as important as where you are ending up to be.

One thought on “Why Slowing Down Lets You Do and Become More

  1. Getting disheartened at the start itself will never let you become successful. Endurance, self belief and determination only can help you achieve your goal. Ups and downs are part and parcel of life. The real winner learns from his mistakes and rises again against all odds.

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