Tips to Create Effective Sales Pages + MORE

If you already have a sales page, or are planning to build one soon, you should check out a post from my buddy Karl Staib, titled 10 Tips to Create a Sales Page that Converts Prospects to Customers. Karl goes through the strategies that worked well on his own sales pages, including the best practices of the industry…

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Why Use PPC with SEO


Why Use PPC with SEOThere are many reasons to use pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, with search engine optimization (SEO). By using these two proven online marketing strategies together, a website owner can generate a much larger amount of targeted traffic to their website than they would likely generate by just using one or the other…

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Social Ads: Why Advertise Anywhere but Facebook
Never has it been easier to get yourself seen or heard as it is today.
The Internet brings content to virtually every corner of the universe. This means that all you need for a little exposure is to get yourself on the Internet, and you have a market of billions of potential consumers.
Social media has spawned advertising, and the aim of every social media advertising campaign is to go viral…

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Build a Better Professional Network and Transform Your Business
Did you know there is a direct correlation between who you spend time with and what your life looks like?
You tend to be happier if you hang out with happy people, more successful if you hang out with successful people, more pessimistic if you hang out with pessimistic people.
So if you’ve got some audacious goals and want to nudge them closer to reality, one thing you can do is spend more time with the people who have the qualities you want…

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7 Tips for Busy Bloggers on Finding Time to BlogLast week I tweeted a question asking my Problogger followers to share the biggest challenge that they face as a blogger.
Around 50 replies came back and a couple of themes emerged – the biggest one centred around ‘Time’.

Finding time to blog is something that all bloggers struggle with…

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