Expert: The Economy Is Picking Up Steam

How to Build a GIC Ladder

101 Ideas to Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose Household Goods

Don’t Judge My Porsche by Its Cover

(Guest Post by Meg from Cars X Girl)
Hi, my name is Meg and I’m addicted to cars.
No, really, I am. Cars are my passion, and the priority my husband and I share. We talk about them, look at pictures, discuss them and think about them basically 24/7/365. I joke that I basically work just so we can afford more car stuff and it even infiltrates our travel plans when we don’t mean for it to…
Why Debt Settlement May Mean Owing the IRS

That’s right. By settling your debt, you may be trading one set of debt for another.
In order to understand how this works, let’s take a simple example. Let’s suppose you have $20,000 in credit card debt.
You get an offer in the mail that says, we’ll accept $8,000 in exchange for full release of the debt…
5 Ways to Diversify Your Fixed Income Portfolio

Dump Your Car Loan and Pay for Your Next Car with Cash

And depending on the type of car you buy, you could spend anywhere from a few thousand to several hundred thousand dollars on a new car. Of course with that shiny new car often comes with a car loan and monthly payments…
Frugal Alternatives to Public School

With so many concerns over sending your kids to public school, many parents are looking for educational alternatives. No matter what your specific gripe about public education is, you can find a solution for your family that fits into your budget.
When it comes to alternative educational options, it’s important to remember that the entire family will need to make sacrifices so that a better education is the priority…
When Price Per Unit Trumps Everything
When I shop for garbage bags or toothpaste or something else that doesn’t really come with an expiration date, I really only use two criteria.
First, do I care at all what brand I buy?
Most of the time, I really don’t care. With an awful lot of products, I have found basically no difference between brands in terms of my usage…
First, do I care at all what brand I buy?
Most of the time, I really don’t care. With an awful lot of products, I have found basically no difference between brands in terms of my usage…
How to Keep Student Loan Debt to a Minimum
– free money wisdom

The Easiest Ways to Save Money on Household Expenses

Well, I can tell you a number of ways to save money on household expenses…
I haven’t done my taxes yet.

Have you filed yours yet?
Are You Prepared For A Big Natural Disaster?

I was going to write about the 401(k) today, but I thought I’d better go with something else because I have been writing about the stock market too often lately. Earlier this week Mrs. RB40 went to a seminar on disaster preparedness and she proceeded to tell me that we are woefully unprepared…
The End of a Car Lease Sucks

On Monday my lease expired and I turned it in.
Many of the benefits I listed in that first article still apply…
Rent A Cow and Save on Taxes, Tax Loophole

You read that right, there is a provision in the Florida tax code that provides a significant tax break for people who want to rent a cow. This has got to be one of the strangest tax loopholes I have heard about. You may get excited about the prospect of saving a considerable amount of money this way, especially for all of you cow lovers out there, though you should know that it only applies to certain types of land such as commercial property…
What if I Want to be a Custodian for a Non-IRA Account? An Intro to UGMA/UTMA Accounts

Reader Profile: AP
The following is the latest post in my “Reader Profiles” series. Each post in this series details the financial situation and challenges of an FMF reader. The purpose of this series is to help us all identify with people like us (in similar situations — not all will be, of course, but eventually I’m sure you will find someone like you here), get to know the frequent commenters on the site, and hear some financial wisdom/challenges from people other than me…
5 Great Freelance Careers that Might Surprise You

It’s common to see freelance careers like writing, social media consultation, and graphic design, but there are other careers that you might be able to turn into a profitable freelance experience, depending on your skills and expertise…
My student loan story: How I paid it off in a year
This post is from staff writer Kristin Wong. Today I pulled out a file in my cabinet that’s been gathering dust since 2007: STUDENT LOAN. In 2007, I paid that sucker off, and I haven’t looked back since. Well, except to check my credit report. I wanted to make sure the nightmare was really over, after all…
Top 5 Business Management Tips From an Old Pro
C. DeWitt “Dee” Brown, Jr. was a self-made man, starting as a hod carrier and apprentice bricklayer after graduating high school and proceeding to build one of the largest masonry companies in the United States with multimillion-dollar projects across the country. Dee was hard-nosed and pragmatic, his 1950s crew cut and Texas twang reminders of […
Spring means Spring Cleaning

As the temperatures start to increase, the snow starts melting, and the days get longer, everyone starts thinking towards Spring. While I personally prefer Summer, I’ll settle for Spring after the long, cold winter we’ve experienced here in the Midwest.
Spring also means Spring Cleaning…
The 5 Best Coffeemakers

Recently, I shared what I considered to be the best coffee grinders available for purchase. Now that you hopefully have the tool necessary to grind your coffee at home, it’s time to look into the right coffeemaker to brew that cuppa you wake up to in the morning…