Re: The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns + MORE

Facebook tweaked its mini feed. Cue user outrage.

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airahcaz wrote:I think it would be great to marry this data to a chart that shows an international allocation returned better results than just domestic over the same long period, but I don’t know how to arrive at that conclusion. ACWI and VT, as well as VTI and SPY only go back so far. Then perform the same exercise with a bond allocation over the same period of decades…

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By SA Editor Miriam Metzinger: Stocks discussed on the Lightning Round session of Jim Cramer’s Mad Money TV Program, Friday March 22. Bullish Calls:Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) (concerning its acquisition of Holdco): “That is just what I was hoping it would do when I owned it. ETP was disappointing for the charitable trust, but they cleaned it up…

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Filed under: Investing

Facebook can’t seem to get a break whenever it rolls out new changes. After the creation of its mini feed — a sidebar with a constantly updating stream of posts — people were annoyed. Now this annoyance is changing, and users are still miffed.
The social-media company claims it will implement the new mini feed update in phases, but has the damage already been done? Facebook has struggled to recover from the Great IPO Debacle of 2012, so investors don’t exactly need a new reason not to trust it…

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