How to Start a Business in 30 Days

Have a great idea or service you can provide to the world and want to know how to start your business in a month or less? Well, while some would say this is impossible, in the era of technology, startups have been able to make a grand debut in just a month. Here are some tips to help you get your business jump-started in 30 days. Come up with an Initial Business Plan 50% of startups and small businesses are projected to fail within the five years. With such high pressures and disadvantages, you want to make sure that you...

5 Ways to Stop Impulse Buying Now

Let’s face it, shopping makes us feel good.  If you are down in the dumps, coming home with new clothes, household items, or a fun personal purchase can put a smile on your face, until you get the credit card bill in next month and sink deeper into debt, so look to stop impulse buying now. Otherwise you will need to do some research on for a reputable company that can help you out after you spiral into debt. Stick to a List You know if you have ever gone to the grocery store for milk and eggs and...

Ways to Fix a Failing Budget Before You Continue into Debt

While two-thirds of American’s do not even use a budget, it is important for the remaining third of the population to have a successful budget to stay ahead of those that do not.  If you find your budget is not working, then it is time to re-evaluate monthly spending and where funds are allocated to go.  Although hiring a professional may be the solution for some, others may just be a couple tweaks away from a successful budget and staying out of debt. Give a Little Wiggle Room for Events Monthly spending could be on a tight leash, but if...

Debt Free Story: What it’s like to be debt free for 20 years

Today’s Debt Free Story comes to us from ESI Money. The ESI family has been debt free for 20  years, enabling them to retire early and live life on their terms! Their story, strategies and advice are priceless to those of us still working toward financial freedom. Without further ado, take it away, ESI! When we got married we both had debt. Between the two of us we had two mortgages, a car loan, and a bit of student loan debt (owed to my grandmother). It totaled $155,000. Neither one of us was in a hurry to pay it off...