Money Mistakes I Made in My 20s (and how to avoid them)

money mistakesToday, I am honored to have a guest post over at The Early Retirement Engineer where the Engineer shares his insights and journey on an “incredibly short forced career of under 10 years, and permanent extreme happiness!”. Click on over to check out my guest post and his great site.

We all make mistakes. As Albert Einstein said, “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

Mistakes are part of life. They are proof we tried and they provide valuable lessons. It’s how we use those mistakes that determines our success.

I’ve made countless mistakes with my money over the years. And sometimes I feel a languishing remorse that I didn’t know then what I know now.

But, alas, I cannot turn back time. I can only move forward with the lessons I’ve learned. Yet, I can share my mistakes to help others avoid them. And that’s what I am doing today.

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Money Mistakes I Made In My 20s (and how to avoid them)