Mentally Fatigued? How to Keep Your Mind Fresh + MORE

Mentally Fatigued? How to Keep Your Mind Fresh


Mentally Fatigued? How to Keep Your Mind FreshThe deadline is near. You still have loads to do.

You’re exhausted, but you must push through the fatigue and get the work done. Now.

Trouble is, you’ve already been at it for hours. It takes longer and longer to do anything.

How you are going to get your commitments done on time when your mind is no longer fresh?

And this is making you feel even more stressed…

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7 Amazing Ways to Be Creative Like a ChildCreativity is like the ebb and flow of waves in an ocean.There are periods in your life when you may feel very creative.But there may be other periods where you experience the creative doldrums.Ideas stop coming to you.You attempt to sit down with pen and paper but it seems like an exercise in frustration…

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How to Manage Burnout: 5 Essential TipsTake rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. – Ovid
Do you feel exhausted when you get home from work?
Do you go about your day feeling numb and as though you’re just going through the motions?
When you get right down to it, do you feel ineffective and maybe even helpless?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you might wonder what’s wrong with you…

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5 Easy Ways to Be Nicer to YourselfIt was every parent’s nightmare.

Kristin Neff was on an airplane with her husband and her young son, Rowan, and all was well.

Until Rowan suddenly threw a tantrum. And not just any tantrum. This was a crying, screaming, flailing-on-the-floor kind of tantrum.

Kristin was mortified.

She took Rowan from his seat and led him, literally kicking and screaming, up the aisle of the airplane, hoping to get him into a bathroom where she and Rowan could work together toward settling him down…

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A Review: Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Dr. Eben AlexanderBy Irene Conlan –
Most of us question  about what happens to us after we die. Is death the end of us or do we somehow continue? Many religions believe in some kind of afterlife and, conversely, some absolutely do not. There are things we simply do not know for certain and this  is one of them.
There are many psychic mediums who claim to communicate with the dead or those “on the other side…

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