Get Security And Value With These 3 'Boring' Stocks

These products aren't nearly as sexy as smartphones or social networks. But for the past few years, the stocks behind the companies that make and sell the boring items we consume every day have run like a scalded dog.
Since the post-panic market lows of early 2009, the Consumer Staples Select SPDR (NYSE: XLP) has risen 140%…
Home Depot Continues To Rack Up Impressive Numbers
– investopedia
1 Thing to Watch When Pandora Reports
Battle Over Solar Tariffs Rages On
U.S. and E.U. officials may be willing to negotiate with China over the subsidies given to the Chinese solar industry and the dumping of panels at a loss to these companies. The New York Times is reporting that instead of tariffs — which are in place in the U.S. and are being planned in Europe — both regions would set caps from China and set a minimum price producers must charge in lieu of tariffs…
This Tiny Mining Sector Is About to Soar

It all started back in 1993 when the United States and Russia signed a historic agreement creating what’s called the “Megatons to Megawatts” (MTM) program.
The program’s goal is turn the deadly highly enriched uranium inside Russian nuclear weapons into the fuel for American power plants…
Christie's Sterling Discusses American Art (Audio)
art department at Christies, discusses an upcoming auction of
American art featuring the works for Georgia O’Keefe and Andrew
Wyeth, among other artists. Sterling talks with Bloomberg’s Pimm
Fox and Carol Massar on Bloomberg Radio’s “Taking Stock…
Goldman Targets S&P 2100

But if you’re curious about the next move Goldman is expecting, it’s awfully straightforward: Buy stocks…