Could You Live Without A Credit Card? + MORE

Could You Live Without A Credit Card? + MORE

What is Professional Tax in India?


What is Professional Tax in India?SJR Primecorp Parkway Homes | Pre launch offer for limited period!!!

Professional Tax is levied in India for the salaried employees and the business professionals. This tax is the income for the state government and every states has its own tax slab for the taxman. Also note that not all the states are charging the professional tax for their income…

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Make Your Life Better: Break An Old Habit Or TwoThe way your life is now is a product of the choices you’ve made and the habits you’ve adopted in the past. You can’t change past decisions but you can make new choices. Old habits can be broken and new ones established if you discover that they no longer serve you well. Here are some ways to make your life better by breaking an old habit or two and changing some old beliefs…

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The Ballad of the Flexible Budget


There are a lot of different techniques for budgeting out there. There’s the standard “write out a budget” method presented in a ton of personal finance books. There’s the “envelope” method. There’s the electronic “You Need a Budget” method.
I’m not going to get into the ins and outs of each type of budget, except to say that they have a few big things in common…

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Net Worth: July 2013


Net Worth: July 2013
Breaking $200,000 was nice while it lasted, but those days are long gone now. We dropped $10,000 last month as earnest money for our house, so our savings took a hit. When we close at the end of the month, our Net Worth will take an even larger hit. But hey, I guess that’s part of the home ownership game…

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Just a reminder that Wealth Lion has posts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Here are the latest ones:

Millionaire Interviews – Real advice from everyday millionaires telling how they made their money. Should be very interesting series. I know I’m looking forward to it!
Dividend Investing Basics – I don’t know much about dividend investing, but I’m learning…

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How Financially Capable Are You?


A recent survey conducted by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation (FINRA Foundation) shows which Americans are most likely to struggle financially by comparing the financial capabilities of Americans across all 50 States and the Nation as a whole.
The State-by-State Financial Capability Survey, which surveyed more than 25,000 respondents, breaks down financial decisions and literacy by gender, age bracket and region…

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Infosec Is The Big Game


With all the talk about Edward Snowden and the National Security Agency’s PRISM information gathering, it’s a good time to reflect upon the other aspects of privacy — by which I mean protecting our privacy as individuals, corporations and governments.
There’s a lot happening in this space; and regardless of your feelings on the matter (please leave comments on those feelings below), the fact is it’s part of our reality…

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The First Chinks In Housing’s Armor


The First Chinks In Housing’s ArmorMy favorite idea for the past couple years has been U.S. housing.
The idea is simple. It’s based on the fact that two once-in-a-lifetime things have come together. We’re dealing with:

The biggest housing price crash in generations.
The lowest mortgage rates ever recorded.

This has made U…

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This guest post is by Darlene Bauer, who happily works from home in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. She loves to share about starting an online business with others! Years ago, when I was single and on a tight budget, I devised a fun way to get practically everything on my wish list and have money left over! I was in my twenties and waited tables for a living, so obviously I wasn’t rolling in riches…

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Responsible Gambling


Most people gamble responsibly. They only spend what they can afford, they don’t chase their losses, and they stop while they are ahead, or at least they know that is what they should do. Unfortunately a small minority of people get into trouble with their gambling. They hit a problem and they find themselves unable to do anything about it…

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Could You Live Without A Credit Card?
The average American household carries roughly $15,000 in credit card debt, not including mortgages or loans. Economists are concerned both for the present generation’s debt problem (Millenials are projected to be in debt their entire lives), and for the Boomer generation’s ability to retire without racking up huge amounts of credit card debt…

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