Debt Free Story: How one couple achieved debt freedom for retirement

Today’s Debt Free Story comes to us from a reader in Iowa, who paid off her debt to make retirement a reality. I appreciate her taking the time to write her story and for allowing me to share it with you. How one couple became debt free to retire Tell us about yourself. I am 64 and my husband is 67. We live in Iowa. My husband has been retired for a little over a year. I am still working 3 days per week. How much debt did you have? We have always had mortgage debt until 2 years ago....

How to Get Cash as Quickly as Possible

Emergencies happen. During emergencies you might need cash and you might need it fast. But we’re not all blessed with a huge savings account we can dip into. If you need cash without resorting to donating blood or any of your body parts, this is the guide for you. Sell Your Stuff One option is to sell your stuff. Most people have something lying around the house they don’t need any longer. Now is the time to look into selling some of your items on eBay, Craigslist, and even as part of a yard sale. It’s not an inexhaustible supply...