Banking in The US and UK: What’s the difference? + MORE

Think there aren’t any more ways you can save money in your business? Don’t be sure until you’ve taken a look at our 39 small business cost-cutting tips.

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Icon produces artisan-quality, custom-made rides out of scrapyard-bound vehicles.

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Mompreneur on Marketing 'Sharp Mamas'


To run Sharp Mamas, a consulting service for new parents, entrepreneur Dara Tarkowski says she needed to learn how to trust her business partner.

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The very first notion of banking can be traced back to 2000 BC, when grain loans were conducted between farmers between cities. In the Roman Empire, lenders based in temples started to accept deposits and were able to change money.
However, banking as we know it didn’t start to come into play until the medieval era, when the Bardi and Peruzzi families set up banks in many parts of Europe…

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How to Short-Circuit ConflictFeel an argument with a colleague coming on? Skip repression and self-righteousness and try this instead.When it comes to conflict, most of us go one of two ways. Some of us avoid disagreement, pushing down our anger and hurt and suffering in silence. Others thrive on conflict, working themselves up into a self-righteous lather that wouldn’t be out of place on a cable news program…

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How to go all-in on a new business venture without draining your personal bank account.

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One of the key differences between the transactional (one-time sale) world and the subscription world is the impact billing practices and systems have on your customers, and consequently your revenues.
In the transactional world, billing is pretty simple. A product or service is purchased and the customer is given the bill with the goods or it is sent at a later date, the bill is paid and the relationship ends…

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