Expanding Your PPC Beyond AdWords – searchenginepeople.com/blog Every now and then a company will come to me wanting to start doing some PPC for their business. Most of these businesses are small and usually relatively new, thus they have limited budget and are targeting smaller niche areas in their target market. The obvious starting point is Google AdWords. Google has nearly 70% of the search market, an advanced platform, a robust off-line editing tool, and a large online community (I highly recommend #ppcchat on Twitter)… Continue Reading On searchenginepeople.com/blog » How to Use Google Webmaster Tools to Maximize Your SEO...
ETF Pop Quiz: Energy, Engineering, and Emerging Market Bonds – investopedia After another week in the global market, the ETFdb pop quiz returns with another round of questions about Energy, Engineering, and Emerging Market Bonds.As always, all answers can be found using the suite of free tools at ETFdb.com, including the ETFdb Categories, ETF screener and the ETF Analyzer… Continue Reading On investopedia » Why Key Energy Services's Earnings May Not Be So Hot – dailyfinance.com Filed under: Investing Although business headlines still tout earnings numbers, many investors have moved past net earnings as a measure of a company’s economic output. That’s because earnings are very often less...
Here’s What’s Driving Collaborative Consumption and Where the Market May Head Next – bothsidesofthetable.com/ AWESM.tweet({ “data-url”: “http://www.bothsidesofthetable.com/2013/06/09/heres-whats-driving-collaborative-consumption-and-where-is-the-market-may-head-next/”, “awesm_buttonid” : “awesm_tweetbutton_5746”,...
How to Use Google's Disavow Links Tool the Right Way – searchenginewatch.com/seo The Disavow Links Tool used alone isn’t an effective means for recovering from a manual Google penalty or an algorithmic hit. The tool is just one component of a recovery plan and a minor one. Here’s how to correctly use the tool. Continue Reading On searchenginewatch.com/seo »
Book Review: Contrarian Investment Strategies – dgmachine.blogspot.com/ Contrarian Investment Strategies: The Psychological Edge (2012) by David Dreman This book provides...
Toys and games are essential during the early development of your child. Researchers say that toys can increase a child’s cognition, spatial awareness and willingness to share. In addition, some toys are great for building muscle and learning about physical fitness. For instance, gardening toys, bikes, and building blocks can be a great exercise for our little tots. Furthermore, toys like crayons, paints and paper are great for a child’s intellectual development. Yet, most of these toys can be a little costly, especially if you buy a number of different kinds of toys to find out what your child likes...
When it comes to giving a personal gift, you have many options depending on your relationship with the recipient and your knowledge of his or her personal tastes, wants, and needs. Husbands and wives buy each other jewelry, vacation packages, and even more intimate gifts; parents get their children clothing and toys; siblings and long-time friends trade gag gifts that they know will get a laugh thanks to some inside joke from their childhood or school days. But if you’re looking to give a truly personal and one-of-a-kind gift, you can’t go wrong with photos. And rather than offering up...
Why Qualcomm Lagged This Week – fool.com The chipmaker was hoping to enjoy a nice boost from the Samsung Galaxy S4, but that flagship smartphone may not be selling as well as hoped. Continue Reading On fool.com » Barnes & Noble Announces Amazing Father's Day Offer: NOOK® HD Starting at Only $129 and NOOK® HD+ St – dailyfinance.com Filed under: Investing Barnes & Noble Announces Amazing Father’s Day Offer: NOOK ® HD Starting at Only $129 and NOOK ® HD+ Starting at Just $149 For a Limited Time Only, Save up to $120 on NOOK HD Tablets, Now with over 700,000 Android...
A $50 Million Bet on Las Vegas Tech Startups – youngentrepreneur.com How the Vegas Tech Fund plans to help transform the tech scene in Sin City, in part two of our series on Tony Hsieh’s $350 million Downtown Project. Continue Reading On youngentrepreneur.com » Setting Up a Home Office on a Tight Budget – allbusiness.com/ Personal finance expert and author Linsey Knerl tells AllBusiness.com about the best ways for home-based businesses to save money while building a fully functional home office. Continue Reading On allbusiness.com/ »
Forex Trading Tips – 4 Things You Need to Consider to Be Successful Trader – doablefinance.com Foreign exchange trading or currency trading has become one of the most popular and participated in financial activities world-wide. The ever dynamic Forex market is constantly on the move thanks to the the rise and fall of currency values across the globe. Foreign exchange trading is now partaken by scores of new and seasoned investors … Continue Reading On doablefinance.com » Weekend Link Love – myfijourney.com Another weekend, another collection of links. Enjoy. Links! This week I recommend that you check out the...
How Do Small Businesses Grow Local Inbound Links? – searchenginepeople.com/blog One of my first in-house SEO management positions was for a company called Sesame Communications in Seattle. Sesame is a leader in dental and orthodontic patient communications. They create an online presence for their clientele (dentists and orthodontists) as well as supply in-house tools to maintain patient loyalty… Continue Reading On searchenginepeople.com/blog » SearchCap: The Day In Search, June 7, 2013 – searchengineland.com Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web. From Search Engine Land: AdWords Image Extensions:...