Way Out
– garygreenfield.com/blog.html

In other parts of the world, i.e., outside the United States, you will be guided to the exit from a structure of some sort by signs that say, “Way Out.” Clever when you think about it because is so clear, concise and most importantly, descriptive. One can’t confuse “Way Out” with anything other than the way out of the building, or whatever…
Lifting weights make women huge?
– motivationblog.org

The post Lifting weights make women huge? appeared first on Motivational quotes and posters.

Simple Practical Things You Can Do To Take Control Of Your Thoughts
– pickthebrain.com

How many of us actually really ‘get’ that our thoughts control our every action? We hear people say it all the time, we read quotes about it, we listen to the ‘experts’ preach about it but do we really at our core understand this as truth?
I know I didn’t. I had proof in my life as it being so, but still did not make the connection…
Grab Total Android Automation Engine Tasker for $1.99 (Normally $7)
– lifehacker.com

How To Eradicate Your Inner Resistance (+ Passion Course Winner!)
– liveboldandbloom.com

How to Think Positively No Matter What Happens
– stevenaitchison.co.uk/blog/

Relax Your Mind and Body
– theselfimprovementblog.com/

This one’s for the busy people! Have you taken the time to relax today? This week? This year?
I know, I know – you don’t have time to relax! But it’s really important that you make time, because stress not only steals your happiness and healthiness, but it can also destroy your relationships with the people you love…