Equities: Unlimited Upside With Limited Downside
– dividendmantra.com

I’m a huge fan of investing in stocks, as you can probably tell by my almost 100% allocation to the asset class in my Freedom Fund. More specifically, I’m very enthusiastic about investing in ownership stakes with high quality companies that have a history of rewarding shareholders by paying out a portion of profits via dividends…
Are dividend investors concentrating too much on consumer staples?
– dividendgrowthinvestor.com
In my dividend investing I
focus a lot on diversification. Proper diversification means that an investor
owns at least 30 individual stocks, representative of as many of the ten
Standard and Poors sectors as possible. Proper diversification also means that
investors do not simply purchase stocks in order to diversify their risk
focus a lot on diversification. Proper diversification means that an investor
owns at least 30 individual stocks, representative of as many of the ten
Standard and Poors sectors as possible. Proper diversification also means that
investors do not simply purchase stocks in order to diversify their risk
The Risks of High Yielding Investments
– dividendninja.com

If you missed part one of my series on rising interest rates, please read What Happens to Bonds When Interest Rates Rise…
CVR Energy (CVI) Declares $6.50 Special Dividend; 9.6% Yield
– streetinsider.com
Visit StreetInsider.com at http://www.streetinsider.com/Dividends/CVR+Energy+%28CVI%29+Declares+%246.50+Special+Dividend%3B+9.6%25+Yield/8371407.html for the full story.
Jean-François Tardif is finally kicking it on with his JFT Strategies Fund (JFS.UN)
– myfirst50000.com
I arrived yesterday from my trip in New Brunswick. It was fun, but it rain most of the time I was there. I never saw such a rainy weather. It barely never rain for 4 days on a row in New Brunswick, but it did when I was there. My next go-away in new Brunswick will be at the end of July-beginning of August…
Morneau Shepell Named Top 25 Dividend Stock With 5.46% Yield
– forbes.com/sites/dividendchannel

Unusual Sources Of High Yield Income
– dividends4life.com
As investors have increasingly turned to the stock market, I see many of them making a huge mistake: They overload their portfolios with traditional income groups like utilities and drug stocks, concentrating themselves in just two or three sectors and lacking any sufficient diversification. Don’t do that…
Rising Stock Prices: Dividend Investor Paradox
– thediv-net.com
As an amateur investor I try to look for clues in the news to make a guess as to which way the markets could possibly turn. In 2012, it seemed like economic uncertainty in Europe kept the markets bouncing up and down each week. It allowed me to invest in stocks without worrying about paying too much…
Not All Passive Income Flows Are Made Equal
– intelligentspeculator.net