Riding Your Business To Success
– startupnation.com/business-blogs/
When to Obsess and When to Not
– noobpreneur.com
Most entrepreneurs (and all the successful ones) are intensely interested in whatever it is that their business does. Whether it is retailing or wholesaling, manufacturing or servicing, they care about what they do and how they do it…
Bruno Mars makes fans feel like rock stars
– customerevangelists.typepad.com/blog/
Billed as the “first ever Instagram music video made by YOU!” Bruno Mars is featuring fans dancing to his hit “Treasure” in a new website called TreasureDance.com. The site looks for videos posted with the hashtag #TreasureDance on Instagram, takes the newest 100 videos and places them in a random sequence alongside Bruno Mars’s preexisting music video for Treasure, according to OKFocus, the agency who developed the site…
New Product Makes You Invisible to Mosquitoes and May Save Lives
– entrepreneur.com
There’s No Formula for Fixing Detroit, and That’s a Good Thing
– blogs.hbr.org

The news of Detroit’s bankruptcy has brought countless explanations of what went wrong, some of them pretty interesting. But the main point of a bankruptcy — especially this bankruptcy, which has been looming for decades — is to get a fresh start.
So it’s been dismaying to see how little attention has been paid in the past week’s news coverage to the fact that central Detroit is already in the midst of fresh start, a revitalization that feels far more organic and durable than past top-down efforts like the construction of the Renaissance Center in the late 1970s and the arrival of casinos in the late 1990s (although the casinos do appear to pay the bulk of the city’s bills at the moment)…
The Pros and Cons of LinkedIn Recommendations
– bizpenguin.com
Team That Landed $1 Million After Answering Branson Tweet Sells Company
– youngentrepreneur.com

Scott and Stacey Ferreira’s three-year-old startup, MySocialCloud, has been sold for an undisclosed amount. Reputation.com of Redwood City, Calif…
If You Don’t Define Your Personal Brand the Market Will
– bothsidesofthetable.com/

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Setting Up a Home Office on a Tight Budget
– allbusiness.com/
Startup Success Principles – improve your chance for success as an entrepreneur
– businessknowhow.com
Richard Branson's Good Business Lesson
– foxsmallbusinesscenter.com