How to Keep Your Business Running Smoothly While You’re Away

ways to outsource payrollIf you run a small business, but tend to be away on business trips, you might worry that certain aspects may be in jeopardy. Things like knowing the business, how to operate your payroll software, etc., these are all things that could run into problems if left unchecked.  If you can’t always be there to make sure, there are still a few things you can do to make sure you’re business is running smoothly.

First, consider having someone stand in for you when you’re out of town. They don’t have to be a marketing genius or a mathematician, just someone that can answer questions from employees and/or customers. Be sure they’re trustworthy and responsible and aren’t afraid to get in touch with you if an issue is above their head.

Next, make sure your finances will remain in order while you’re away. Small financial transactions can add up if you aren’t careful. Look into the latest mobile payroll software available. It will help you keep track of your employee’s paychecks and ensure that they’re paid fairly and on time. It’s easy to use your smart phone to check the status of your financial records with just a few clicks. You can offer several employee benefits as well. From a health card that allows you to set aside a small sum every month for doctor’s visits, prescriptions to direct deposits for the employees, the benefits are substantial. It’s tax free for the employees and you may even qualify for a small tax deduction.

Finally, be sure that even though you’re away, you aren’t inaccessible. In today’s society, it easier than ever to stay in touch remotely. Have an open line of communication between you and your employees based on trust and respect. When you have your employees on your side, they will show their appreciation by keeping you informed of new info you may have missed.

Even though you have to be away sometimes, that doesn’t mean you can’t rest easy knowing your business is still running smoothly. Having the right employees and outsourcing financial matters to the professionals will go a long way for you, even if you’re a long way from your business.

Photo by: Inkyhack

4 thoughts on “How to Keep Your Business Running Smoothly While You’re Away

    1. It is hard for some people to give up control, but if you have a system in place and employees you trust is makes it alot easier. Have a great weekend!

  1. Jim Lloyd E.

    I like your post! I also have my own Business Continuity Plan in my own small business. You really gave good tips here especially with the “having an open line of communication” part.

    1. Wow that is great to hear that you have a plan like this already set up. It is good to see you are prepared. How has it worked out for you?

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