Cramer's Mad Money – Which Company Should Buy Netflix? (4/3/13)
By SA Editor Miriam Metzinger: Stocks discussed on the in-depth session of Jim Cramer’s Mad Money TV Program, Wednesday April 3.
Who Should Buy Netflix (NFLX)? Other stocks discussed: Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT)
With the rally in Netflix (NFLX), this might not be a good time for the company to be taken over, but on a decline, Cramer pondered a hypothetical scenario of which company should buy Netflix (NFLX)…
Who Should Buy Netflix (NFLX)? Other stocks discussed: Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT)
With the rally in Netflix (NFLX), this might not be a good time for the company to be taken over, but on a decline, Cramer pondered a hypothetical scenario of which company should buy Netflix (NFLX)…
Apple Risks Becoming Niche Player Again

Mortgage Rates Dip as U.S. Growth Slows
Filed under: Investing
Freddie Mac released its weekly update on national mortgage rates this morning.
Thirty-year fixed-rate mortgages (FRM) retraced last week’s rise in this latest report, dropping three basis points to land right back where they were two weeks ago — at 3.54%. Shorter-term 15-year FRMs also declined a bit, down two basis points to 2…
Re: My Review of Vanguard's Financial Plan
Interesting, I’ve moved $400K to Vanguard since Jan 1 and not a single welcome phone call.
My First Three Steps Toward Financial Freedom
I was at a school function and had every reason to be depressed…
With kids in elementary and middle school, I was getting an earful from a teacher about everything that’s wrong with education in the school district.
Emphasis on standardized tests, teachers whose work and skill are given no respect and, most shocking of all, the administration insisting to this particular teacher that a nine out of 50 on his history exam is a passing grade (despite his vigorous protests)…
With kids in elementary and middle school, I was getting an earful from a teacher about everything that’s wrong with education in the school district.
Emphasis on standardized tests, teachers whose work and skill are given no respect and, most shocking of all, the administration insisting to this particular teacher that a nine out of 50 on his history exam is a passing grade (despite his vigorous protests)…
10 Largest Share Buybacks This Year
C-suite occupants nowadays evidently think highly of themselves. Investors, on the other hand, might want to do some thinking of their own.
Mayflower's Sullivan Says Renewed Faith in Housing (Audio)
April 4 (Bloomberg) — Melissa Sullivan, communications
manager for Mayflower, discusses Americans’ renewed faith in the
housing market. Sullivan talks with Bloomberg’s Pimm Fox and
Vonnie Quinn on Bloomberg Radio’s “Taking Stock.”
manager for Mayflower, discusses Americans’ renewed faith in the
housing market. Sullivan talks with Bloomberg’s Pimm Fox and
Vonnie Quinn on Bloomberg Radio’s “Taking Stock.”
Mom and Pop: World's Worst Investors

Who Wins if Keystone XL Is Approved?
Which companies stand to gain if Keystone XL is constructed?
Bitcoins and Beanie Babies: A Crash Is Overdue

Of course, those valuations are subject to change. A Bitcoin was worth around $30 a month ago … and if you believe the critics, it could be worth that again very soon…