SMX Sydney – Ecommerce SEO; Avoiding Common Pitfalls
It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of SMX Sydney last week, and I was fortunate enough to present on three topics one of which was ‘E-commerce SEO; Avoiding Common Pitfalls’. It’s a topic that I was really looking forward to presenting on because, being in a position where I get to see a lot of E-commerce sites many of them make a selection of very similar mistakes that could quite easily be avoided…
Post from: Search Engine People SEO Blog8–Written by ,Post from: Search Engine People SEO Blog8–Written by ,
What Types of Sites Actually Remove Links?
Since the disavow tool has come out SEOs are sending thousands of “remove my link” requests daily. Some of them come off as polite, some lie & claim that the person linking is at huge risk of their own rankings tank, some lie with faux legal risks, some come with “extortionisty” threats that if they don’t do it the sender will report the site to Google or try to get the web host to take down the site, and some come with payment/bribery offers…
SMX London Keynote: Jim Sterne On Becoming A “Company Insight Wizard”
As a search marketer, you probably wear many hats, juggling various roles from competitive analyst to campaign strategist and tactician to reporting to your boss or client and persuading them that your work is wonderful, profitable and deserving of more support and resources. During the SMX London…..
SEO Basics: 8 Essentials When Optimizing Your Site
You should always keep search engine optimization in the forefront of your mind, and always follow best practices. Skipping the basics of SEO will leave your site’s foundation a mess and prevent you from fully maximizing revenue opportunities.