Finding Your Voice — The Fizzle Show 001

We will release a new episode every day this week. Be sure to subscribe to get the next episode in your sleep.
Here’s how to listen to the show: Use the link here to view The Fizzle Show in iTunes and subscribe…
EXERCISE: Deep Dive into Your Content Analytics

While hardly a day goes by that I don’t check my blogs stats (usually just to see traffic levels and sources of traffic etc) – I try to set aside a longer period of time at the start of each month to do a little more in depth analysis…
Go fishing with these blog exposure tips
There are still people who think all you need to do is write the blog or set up the website and then sit back and wait like a happy fisherman on the sunny banks of a river filled with hungry trout. These folks think all the work is done once you’ve dipped these cyber ‘baits’ into the fast-flowing internet waters and they’ll soon start piling their catches on the bank beside them in the form of more business and/or followers…
What Is The Future Of SEO?

In a society where the internet is an integral part of many of our lives, internet related industries are flourishing and this includes Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Without good SEO, website owners will have sites that are barely even noticed by people making searches online, which could make even the best sites all but useless…