Before we get to the good reads!
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A Few Good Reads
Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week.
1. DC residents losing property in ‘predatory’ debt-collection program – report:
Washington DC officials have set up a controversial program that allows out-of-state investors to initiate foreclosures against homeowners who have fallen behind on their taxes, in some cases for just hundreds of dollars. The District of Columbia for many years placed liens – a means of debt security – on properties when homeowners failed to pay their taxes. Those liens were then sold at public auctions to investors who were able to make a profit by charging the homeowners interest on top of the tax debt until the total bill was repaid. Open this article
2.The Changing American Dream: Focused on Being Debt-Free
Each generation develops a reputation and parenting style that shapes the financial habits of the next generation, and many are wondering what traits millennial parents will pass along to their children. “Depression-era parents taught, ‘a penny saved is a penny earned,’ ” says Robert Wendover, director of The Center for Generational Studies. “But they didn’t live in a consumer society like we have now. Millennials think that installment debt is not as important to pay off, it’s not as high on their radar. How they will transfer that understanding to their kids still remains to be seen.” Open this article
3. House GOP wants to tie Obamacare to debt ceiling debate:
Back from their month-long recess for exactly one day, the House GOP leadership unveiled Tuesday a new debt ceiling strategy. The plan, detailed to Republican lawmakers by Congressman Eric Cantor, involves an agreement to raise the nation’s debt limit–on the condition that Obamacare gets delayed for one year. According to the National Review, the latest GOP strategy forces the Senate to vote to defund President Obama’s signature health care law–and when that fails–pass continuing resolution to fund the government. Several Congressional Republicans seemed less than enthusiastic. Open this article
4. Ivy League College Students Avoid Student Debt Burden:
Don’t let the big price tags nix an application to Harvard or Yale. The average student receiving financial aid on those campuses paid about a quarter of the public sticker price and most graduates leave their ivy-covered quads with smaller debts than peers who attended less prestigious schools. It’s not that unusual, according to statistics released Tuesday from U.S. News & World Report. In fact, some of the schools sending graduates out into the world with huge debts are campuses that aren’t the bold-faced names that top the typical best-of lists. Many of the best colleges in the country are relative steals for the lucky few who earn admission. Open this article
5. Can you negotiate medical debt with collectors?
I had heart trouble in 2010, which landed me in cardiac ICU for three days. I had no insurance.
I applied for a grant with the hospital, which took care of all my hospital medical expenses. I also got a bill from a doctor who saw me in the hospital. I called and explained my financial situation. The doctor’s office had me apply for assistance, but I did not qualify as by this time I had gotten a job and was just over the poverty level. Open this article
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This That and The MBA was included in several carnivals over the last weeks:
1. http://moneyqanda.com/yakezie-carnival-september-8th-2013/
2. http://portfolioprincess.com/lifestyle-carnival-edition-70/
3. http://www.theskilledinvestor.com/wp/web-finance-this-week-sept-6-2013-1255.htm
4. http://bitethebulletinvesting.com/Blog/carnival-financial-independence-27/
5. http://www.budgetinginthefunstuff.com/carnival-of-retirement-cruise-edition/
6. http://studentloansherpa.com/earn-more-spend-less-vol-1/
7. http://www.aspiringblogger.com/aspiring-blogger-personal-finance-carnival-14-september-7-2013/
Thank you for the mentions last week. I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the shout out, I appreciate it. Keep up the great work!
The article about renegotiating health care debt was good. I was in a similar situation a few years ago and someone suggested trying to negotiate the bill to me. Thankfully I didn’t have to do that, but it’s good for people to know it’s an option. I’m going to post that in our forum at findsomemoney.com.