6 Big-Shot Recruiting Tips for Small Biz
– foxsmallbusinesscenter.com
Don’t let company size take you out of the competition for new grads.
How to Choose the Best Van Insurance for You
– noobpreneur.com
If you’re a tradesman and you rely on your van to make a living then it’s absolutely vital that it’s properly insured. Working vans tend to be transport, office space, staff room and secure lock-up all rolled into one vehicle and damage or theft can be a huge blow to your livelihood if you aren’t well protected…
Inspirational Advice From 10 Successful Leaders
– youngentrepreneur.com
We’ve combed through videos of best commencement speeches from Steve Jobs to Oprah Winfrey to find invaluable entrepreneurial advice.
Entrepreneurship in the U.S. Reaches Highest Level in More Than a Decade (Infographic)
– entrepreneur.com
More than one in 10 Americans were developing their own business in 2012, according to the U.S. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor released today. Here’s a look at the demographics of the community.
Setting Up a Home Office on a Tight Budget
– allbusiness.com/
Personal finance expert and author Linsey Knerl tells AllBusiness.com about the best ways for home-based businesses to save money while building a fully functional home office.
How to Create True Customer Advocates
– blogs.hbr.org
Who sells your products or services? This may seem like a silly question, the answer being of course, the sales & marketing team. But increasingly, the most important person selling what you’re offering is — your customer.
More specifically, your customer advocates. And, as buyers increasingly expect to learn about products and services from their peers who are using them, companies are getting more creative at putting their happy customers in front of those buyers…
Randi Zuckerberg on Her Next Act
– inc.com

A Bank Line of Credit Why You Need One – And What To Do If You Can’t Get One
– .businessownersideacafe.com/
A bank line of credit is one of the best things to have if you are a small business. It allows you to draw on pre-approved funds to not only meet routine operating expenses, but it can also be there for short-term working capital needs like plugging unexpected cash flow gaps, growing accounts receivable and inventory issues…
Third Party Sellers Need To Rethink The Amazon FBA Program
– startupnation.com/business-blogs/
Hi gang,
Long time no talk. How are you? You’re looking good! How are the kids? How is your business doing? Did the doctor take care of that rash? Good. Good. Is your business growing? You hanging in there?
How am I, you ask?
Wow, is that a good question that does not have an easy answer…