Technical Analysis – Is it Good or Bad? What’s in it for Me?
If you have been following me for a while, you know that I’m not too much of a technician. I like the fundamental approach and make good use of timing in sector while investing through asset allocation. When it’s time to talk about technical analysis, I’m not quite sure what to think about it…
Thoughts on Dividend Growth Investing
Dividend growth investing (DGI), if done correctly, is a very wonderful and self-reinforcing strategy. The idea is pretty simple — if one buys stocks of high-quality companies which are increasing dividend at a rate which is higher than the inflation, then one hopes to increase his buying power over time…
Raytheon Co. (RTN) Raises Quarterly Dividend 10% to $0.55; 3.9% Yield
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Stryker Takes Over #136 Spot From General Dynamics
In the latest look at the underlying components of the S&P 500 ordered by largest market capitalization, Stryker Corp. (NYSE: SYK) has taken over the #136 spot from General Dynamics Corp. (NYSE: GD), according to The Online Investor. Click here to find out the top S&P 500 components ordered by average analyst rating »
Avoiding The Fallout Of The Baby Boom

What % Of Your Income Are You Saving Away?

The Three P's – Patience, Persistence, Perseverance

I’m doing something very different in an otherwise ordinary world. I’m trying to become financially independent and retire early in life – before my 40th birthday, to be exact. This journey to early retirement started just before my 28th birthday, making this a road about 12 years long. Keep in mind that I started with $5,000…