Your Traditional Marketing Tactics Don't Work on Millennials: Here's How to Adjust

Talking Salesmanship: John Carlton on the Art of Feeding a Hungry Crowd

If you do, it’s a really good sign you need to pay extra close attention.
This interview digs into one of the most important (yet distasteful to many) concepts you have to understand to be a successful marketer:
Twitter’s “Let’s Get Started” Box Blocked Some Users From Web-based Tweeting
As the LA Times has also reported, a random group of Twitter users are unable to send out tweets from the web because they’re getting a “Let’s get started” content box in the spot where they’d normally be able to to write and send a tweet. And these folks are none too…..
Why people buy from you AND how to make more sales

There are a number of things, which motivate people to buy from you or hire your services. This post covers maybe the most important. It’s for those of you who sell products or services to businesses.
Selling your products or services to businesses
7 years ago, I recorded a very successful audio program, which shows you how to motivate yourself and how to motivate others…
How to Reduce Your Cost Per Conversion by 16-80% (Sorry, Haters, Quality Score Still Matters)

New Google Maps Available to All
The newest version of Google Maps was an invite only affair until yesterday. Now anyone can opt-in to get the new map experience.
If you haven’t seen what this latest version looks like and does here is the video from May that Google put together.
If you haven’t seen what this latest version looks like and does here is the video from May that Google put together.
And for you iOS users out there 9 to 5 Mac reports
In line with last week’s expectations of an updated Google Maps app, Google has begun rolling out version 2…
Essential Q and A on SEO & Content Marketing for Small Businesses