Life Is Too Short – Life is too short. If you don’t know, I babysat on and off again for a family over the past 8 months. I found out yesterday the boy I cared for died. He was seven years old, such a sweet, innocent, happy kid. I’m still in shock. Honestly, I go from almost crying in front of my office monitor to not quite believing it’s true… Continue Reading On » 3 Widely Unkown Ways to Save Money When Buying A Car – This is a guest article by Sean. If you are interested...
Love and Money – An Internal Debate – I have been following the questions posed by Chase Bank back in February about average couples. It is pretty much about love and money. I answered the questions in my head, but not on here because I found one question that I wanted to dig into deeper. If you are interested in learning some other personal finance blogger’s answers, then check out Girl Meets Debt, The Frugal Path, The First Million is the Hardest, Money Life and More, Money Beagle, and Reach Financial Independence… Continue Reading On » Cut your...
My Worst Customer Service Experience Ever – Since I’m still out of town and really don’t want to be too serious on a Friday, I thought I’d share our experience from the birthday party we had for our six year old last week. We decided to have it at the bowling alley, mainly because I though it would be easy, and we’d have no cleanup… Continue Reading On » Live Without Money. Could you Do It? – When most people think about someone that wants to live without money, they think of living in a cave, alone...
The Importance of Finding Daily Solitude – The most valuable lesson I learned in music school was that the best work gets done when you are alone in a practice room. Solitude. Solitude is not as easy to come by these days with TV, the internet, smart phones, and other gadgets serving a huge role in our life. Those things can find their way into our once-empty practice rooms and disrupt our creativity… Continue Reading On » ICT or Computer Sciences – Which Will Prepare Our Kids Best for Future? – Recent criticism of ICT learning in...
Our Rehab and House Flipping Story (Part 2) – The rehab is now underway on our investment property. As you might recall, my brother and I bought a HUD home that we are flipping. The plan is to have the house on the market over the next few weeks. In order to determine if this was a good investment we had to consider three major factors. The cost of the house, the cost of the rehab, and how much we could sell the house for… Continue Reading On » It’s Never Too Late to Get With a Budget...
Have a Small Business? Here Are a Few Tips to Save Money – I am a true entrepreneur at heart. I have been running businesses since I was little. It is just something that comes to me. My most successful business was as an electronics retailer. I had an e-commerce company that I built from the ground up and loved it. It was tough work, but it was rewarding… Continue Reading On » Share your profile with us! – We’d love to know a little about everyone collecting out there. If you’re interested in sharing like I...
We Quit Our Jobs With $26,000 To Travel the World – Hey everyone! A couple of weeks ago I asked one of my favorite bloggers to guest post for me. Just last year she quit her job, and her and her significant other decided to travel the world. I thought she was super inspiring and knew she just HAD to guest post for me. You can follow her lifestyle blog at Mish Lovin Life or their travel blog at Filling in the Dots… Continue Reading On » Cut Out of Dad’s Will? How My Dad Shapes My Finances –...
Recent Transactions – Lots of Stuff – As part of my commitment to keep my readers up to date on my portfolio, I write up short posts describing my transactions. My portfolio is undergoing a bit of a makeover at present, and I think it’s best to walk everyone through the changes from start to finish. Previously, I was only allowed to trade with options level 1… Continue Reading On » Profile of a collector: Me! – I figure if I’m going to start asking for profiles of everyone, I might as well start with the easiest...
Tips For Beginner Bloggers Part 1 – The Basics – Photo Credit Last month, I published my post on How To Start a Blog – Tips for a Beginner. Don’t get the titles confused, they are extremely similar because I lack any creativity. My other post was mainly about how to get going with your blog, and what companies to use to use to actually create your blog (domain, hosting, WordPress, etc… Continue Reading On » When You Can’t Pay Them All – Deciding Which Bills to Pay First – This is a guest article by Daniela from...
It’s My Fake Birthday – I celebrated my fake birthday this weekend, and had a blast. It’s a birthday I made up because my real birthday lands during finals at every school I have ever attended. I stopped celebrating my birthday, because I had to … Continue reading →The post It’s My Fake Birthday appeared first on Financial Black Sheep… Continue Reading On » Increase your income instead of waiting for a pay raise – If I asked if you were doing everything you could to generate income, what would you say? A lot of people think...
Shout Out Saturday #10 – Happy Saturday everyone! Today is the first weekend of spring! One would think with it being spring that warmer temperatures would be awaiting us and that we could get started on working outdoors and get the ball rolling on gardening for the year. Sadly, this does not seem to be the case. As I am writing this on Thursday morning, the weather forecasts are calling for the potential of six to ten inches of snow! You read that right, six to ten inches… Continue Reading On » Eyes on the Dollar 20/20 Roundup...
Frugal Friday: Blog Posts That Ruled This Week, $175K Mattress Edition – Happy Friday everyone! I often like to read the news online and sometimes I just find articles that I have to believe are too stupid to be true. This week was one of those times when I read an article on Yahoo Finance about the Savoir Bed company in London. They are in the process of developing a bed that will cost $175,000! This, of course, was just a bit asinine and had to make sure this company was for real… Continue Reading On » How...