Weekly Round Up – May 15, 2014

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on The Mileage Plus Credit Card: How it Made my Trip an Affair to Remember, and let me know what you think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Young Adults, Student Debt and Economic Well-Being:  Student debt burdens are weighing on the economic fortunes of younger Americans, as households headed by young adults owing student debt lag far behind their peers in terms of wealth accumulation, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data. About four-in-ten...

Weekly Round Up – May 02, 2014

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on When You Have Taken on More Work Than You Can Handle, and let me know what you think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Ukraine’s failure to pay gas debt may cut gas supply to Europe – Russia’s energy minister:  Ukraine’s growing gas debt may lead to the failure of the country’s transit obligations and the reduction of gas supplies to south-eastern Europe, said the Russian Energy Ministry. (more…)

Weekly Round Up – April 25, 2014

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on Maintain Open Communication with Your Virtual Assistant and Get Better Services, and let me know what you think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Students can avoid drowning in debt with student loans:  Students should only borrow money they feel comfortable repaying, a representative of a local credit union said in a session on building or rebuilding credit. (more…)

Weekly Round Up – April 04, 2014

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on Franchising An Online Business, and let me know what you think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Student loans is second largest source of debt in US households, says recent study:  Steven Sabel, a former firefighter, decided to go to law school after a knee injury prevented him from returning to duty. He had wanted to be a lawyer since he was young. Sabel, now a second-year student at UCLA, is financing his degree almost entirely on loans....

Weekly Round Up – March 21, 2014

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on Mutual Fund Types and Investment Tips, and let me know what you think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Who’s to blame for exhorbinant student loan debt?  Every so often some politician makes it their (brief) mission to address the burdens of overwhelming student loan debt. Universally overlooked is that these students chose their institutes of higher learning knowing exactly what the costs of education would be. They intentionally overlooked smaller, less prestigious schools such as State colleges...

Weekly Round Up – March 14, 2014

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on Determining your Target Market, and let me know what you think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. 7 pieces of terrible debt advice:  Asking for advice is one of those things that can either be helpful or disastrous — it depends on the topic and who’s offering tips. When it comes to get-out-of-debt advice, the stakes are high, so choose your advisers carefully and keep an open mind when it’s time to make decisions. It’s not so much...

Weekly Round Up – February 28, 2014

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on Sticky Blog Posts: 8 Tips for an Effective Post, and let me know what you think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Detroit submits plan to fix debt as US court agrees to hear bankruptcy case:  Detroit’s historic bankruptcy filing was challenged Friday as the US sixth circuit court of appeals agreed to hear a request to have it overturned. City pension funds representing Detroit’s police and firefighters and others who face major losses in the bankruptcy proceedings...

Weekly Round Up – February 7, 2014

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on Financial Websites for Market Trends, and let me know what you think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Poll: 44 percent of Americans oppose raising debt ceiling  Americans overwhelmingly do not think Congress should raise the nation’s debt limit as President Barack Obama and Congress prepare once again to wage battle over the issue, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. (more…)

Weekly Round Up – November 29, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on how to start a blog, and let me know what you   think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. America’s health care cost slowdown and the disappearing debt:  Six years after the start of the Great Recession, there should be little disagreement what America’s number one domestic priority should be. With unemployment still stuck around 7 percent four plus years after that recession was declared “over,” creating jobs has to be Job #1. (more…)

Weekly Round Up – November 22, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on why private cloud hosting, and let me know what you   think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Climate debt collectors: Occupy wants the 1% to pay up  Last year, Strike Debt — a small collective of New York-based academics, filmmakers, and business types published a short book called The Debt Resistors’ Operations Manual [PDF], which alternated between dispensing advice on how to clean up credit scores and chronicling the recent history of the finance industry. (more…)

Weekly Round Up – November 15, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on how to start a blog: the ultimate guide, and let me know what you   think.  A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week.  1. How I Finally Paid Off a Lifetime of Credit Card Debt:  I’ve been a debtor all my life. My parents first met at a financial loan office—my dad issued loans, my mom worked in the office. They divorced when I was 10 and my mother was left to raise two daughters in Cincinnati, Ohio on a...

Weekly Round Up – November 08, 2013

 Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on what’s the deal with extra income, and let me know what you  think.  A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week.  1. Don’t Sweat Margin Debt:  One data point that has found a home among the bearish community is the total amount of New York  Stock Exchange margin debt. It is at record highs, and this supposedly means the end of the bull  market is nigh. (more…)

Weekly Round Up – November 01, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on how to build passive income, and let me know what you  think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. What the Senate Didn’t Do on the Debt Ceiling:  With both chambers of Congress back in session on Tuesday, budget theatrics returned to Capitol Hill. In the legislative equivalent of a double negative, the Senate voted down a resolution blocking the president from extending the country’s borrowing limit. In other words: The Treasury can still borrow money to pay the country’s...

Weekly Round Up – October 18, 2013

Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on how to start a blog, and let me know what you  think. A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. 1. Senate stalls bi-partisan debt ceiling deal to end government shutdown:  With only five days left to a possible default, there is yet no unity in the US senate with Republicans and Democrats rejecting each other’s proposal to end the 12-day-old government shutdown. (more…)

Weekly Round Up – August 30, 2013

 Before we get to the good reads! Check out this beastly resource on how to get a good domain name, and let me know what you think.  A Few Good Reads Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week.   1. The psychological perks of paying off debt:  Debt is a drag. Not only on your credit score, but also on your psyche. It’s a dark cloud that lurks    over many corners of life, casting a shadow over your confidence, ambitions and relationships. (more…)