Your Roadmap for Creating Purpose-Driven Content [replay] + MORE

Why you need to hire a professional content writer – By virtue of the fact that you can sit in the comfort of your own home, get all the tools you need to start a business, and basically run a big part of it from there, some people think they can handle every aspect of their online business. That’s not entirely the whole story. What was once a cottage industry surrounding Internet marketing has become an industry onto itself and one of the core services you really can’t do without is good content writing… Continue Reading On »...

4 CTA (Call-to-Action) Tips for Your Business Blog + MORE

How to Build an Audience with Google+ Hangouts – There is nothing more effective for building your audience than face-to-face communication. Social media posts can’t compare with the ability to see your audience blink, follow their hand gestures, or witness their eye movements and facial expressions — all key components of what’s been called human media… Continue Reading On » Does Your Business Blog Need a Category Cleanup? – This is a guest post by Linda Dessau of anyone about to start a blog should attend #barrieblogathon to get it started right.Fixing it up is really...