Dividend Stocks: A Great Addition To Your Portfolio
– dividends4life.com
Dividend stocks can be a great addition to your portfolio, especially pharmaceutical dividend stocks that offer a bit of stability in rocky times. People still get sick during recessions. And the dividend allows investors to be patient, collecting the dividend while they wait for drugs to be developed…
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Takes Over #273 Spot From Northern Trust
– forbes.com/sites/dividendchannel

Better luck next time Dividend Girl
– myfirst50000.com
This is what is going on. For the past couple years, I always had great promotional interest rates on credit card balance transfer with TD Visa. I had 4.9%, 1.9%, 2.9%….Recently, I completed a credit card balance at TD Visa at 2.9% for 6 months. The amount carried over was something like 11k. Cool great awesome! That was completed at the end of April…
Procter & Gamble (PG) – A dividend stock to hold forever
– dividendgrowthinvestor.com
The Procter & Gamble Company (PG) provides consumer packaged goods in the United States and internationally. This dividend aristocrat has paid uninterrupted dividends on its common stock since 1891 and increased payments to common shareholders every for 57 consecutive years. There are only fifteen companies in the world which have managed to boost distributions over half a…
Equity One, Inc. (EQY) Declares $0.22 Quarterly Dividend; 3.4% Yield
– streetinsider.com
Visit StreetInsider.com at http://www.streetinsider.com/Dividends/Equity+One%2C+Inc.+%28EQY%29+Declares+%240.22+Quarterly+Dividend%3B+3.4%25+Yield/8328001.html for the full story.
Flexible Dividend Reinvestment Coming To Scottrade
– dgmachine.blogspot.com/
Today I learned that Scottrade (the discount brokerage I use) will soon be introducing a unique dividend reinvestment program. Many other brokerages already provide the option for automatic and commission-free reinvestment of dividends back into the stocks that paid them. Scottrade will provide more flexibility by allowing automatic but selective dividend reinvestment: dividends can be reinvested into stocks other than the stocks that paid them…
Weekly Reading Links 5.10.13
– thedividendpig.com

A phenomenal article by Louis Basenese, chief investment strategist at Wall Street Daily, tells you exactly why you should not implement the strategy…
Weekend Readings – Survivor Fans Out There?
– intelligentspeculator.net

General Readings
-So you want to trade for a living… @ Bclund
-What if markets are undervalued? @ HowardLindzon
-Wall St is back @ The Economist
Dividend and Passive Income Readings
-Tomorrow’s dividend stars? @ StreetAuthority
-Sell in May and go away? Stupid or smart? @ TheDividendGuyBlog
Tech Stock Readings
-Instagram, the story @ VanityFair
-Groupon reports earnings @ TechCrunch
I Just Bought A Time Machine
– dividendmantra.com

Not this time machine!
I just purchased a time machine. It’s not my first, but is my nicest. Hopefully I’ll keep this one for a while!
According to this source, the average driver here in the U.S. spends $9,641 (and that’s using $2.25 per gallon fuel figures) per year for the privilege of driving a vehicle…
Procter & Gamble Stock Analysis
– thediv-net.com

The Procter & Gamble Company (PG) provides consumer packaged goods in the United States and internationally. This dividend aristocrat has paid uninterrupted dividends on its common stock since 1891 and increased payments to common shareholders every for 57 consecutive years. There are only fifteen companies in the world which have managed to boost distributions over half a century…
Dividend Links
– thedividendguyblog.com
What did you miss from the past week?
1. Updating My Dividend Watchlist @ MJTM.
2. Have You Put Your Chips On The Web Ecosystems Yet? @ IS.
3. Asset Allocation – Retirement Ready Part 2 @ The Passive Income Earner.
4. Portfolio in Action: Purchased Lorillard Shares @ DGSI.
5. Dividend Income Update – April 2013 @ Dividend Mantra…
1. Updating My Dividend Watchlist @ MJTM.
2. Have You Put Your Chips On The Web Ecosystems Yet? @ IS.
3. Asset Allocation – Retirement Ready Part 2 @ The Passive Income Earner.
4. Portfolio in Action: Purchased Lorillard Shares @ DGSI.
5. Dividend Income Update – April 2013 @ Dividend Mantra…