Re: Vanguard: Six questions (and answers) about bonds
lethean46 wrote:Can I not buy CDs right at Vanguard for an IRA held at Vanguard?You can, but you are not going to get the best rates. It’s like paying a very high ER on the CDs. You can see rates at of India 1-year 0.45% (0.85% if you buy directly from Discover Bank)Discover Bank 2-year 0…
Spending on Gasoline Hits a 30-Year High

Good news! According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Americans had to spend only 4% of their pre-tax income on gasoline for their cars in 2012 — a sum that hasn’t increased since seven years ago.
Horrible news! According to the same U.S. Energy Information Administration, Americans had to spend a whopping 4% of their pre-tax income on gasoline for their cars in 2012 — which works out to $2,912…
Spending on Gasoline Hits a 30-Year High
But the news isn’t all bad.