This Week On Twitter: Social Media Stats, How To Boost Engagement, Twitter Hacker Protection Tips

Bar Power Is A Nightlife App To Help You Be Less Of A Jerk At Bars
Once you’ve had a few drinks at a bar it’s easy to let loose and blow off steam. Unfortunately, while you’re having fun, you could end up annoying others around you, namely the staff at the venue you’re at. By acting like a fool, you’re jeopardizing your future visits, since bartenders tend to remember who was a jerk and who was a great customer…
GifBoom Update Adds Voice and Music to Your GIFs

What exactly makes this update the biggest yet for GifBoom? For starters, you can now add voice and music backgrounds to your GIFs…
Re-Mission 2 games re-imagine how to help kids survive cancer
HopeLab is taking a blast at cancer with the relaunch of its games that help kids deal with having cancer. More than five years in the making, Re-Mission 2 consists of six free-to-play online mini-games launching tomorrow with a host of support from charities, medical researchers, and major corporations…
Social Media Resources: Sales Strategies, Big Data, and Games

Check out our articles below to find out more about each one and how they can help you with your social media goals. And check in every day to Sprout Social Insights for more how to guides and breaking social media news…
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