Building Your Sense of Humor and Communication Skills – Self-Confidence and Positivism

You don’t necessarily need to be able to tell nice jokes if you want to be funny. As a matter of fact, you humor will be better evaluated if you simply make funny observations than if you keep telling jokes to everyone. Perhaps you don’t have any talent on being funny…
Store Tomatoes Stem-End Down to Keep Them from Rotting Too Quickly

One Little Tip to Remain in the Present

5 Ways to Declutter Your Life

Clearing up your life’s mess is the first step to unlock the doors of happiness, joy and success. We all want to live our dream lives with extreme and immense pleasure. We all want to be happy and awesome. And I am certain that it’s all possible, reasonable and right around the corner. You can have all what you want by first clearing up and de-cluttering everything you don’t want…
More Important?

Looks like we’ll get into a debate in this post. That seems obvious to me because I added a question mark in the title. So, let me confirm that I will be debating with myself in an effort to provide you with clarity which is my ultimate purpose.
The debate will revolve around which is more important: knowledge or imagination…
Success – Is it Worth the Risk?

Risk-taking is scary for most of us because there is always the potential for loss. We’ve been taught to be careful and avoid taking any unnecessary risks. Instead, we are cautioned to play it safe and just take baby steps toward our dreams.
While this approach does tend to feel safer there are also some serious downsides…