Weekend Readings
– intelligentspeculator.net

General Readings
-Obama’s chained CPI explained @ DarwinsMoney
-Most $100 bills live outside the US @ NPR
Dividend/Passive Income Readings
-Portfolio update Q1 @ TheDividendGuyBlog
-Dividend investing or index investing @ DividendStockAnalysis
-Energy Transfer MLP Update @ DividendMonk
Tech Stock Readings
-Microsoft (MSFT) can’t keep up in a mobile world @ WSJ
-Full Specs for the Google glasses @ TechCrunch
-Google’s Bufferbox…it starts in San Francisco @ TechCrunch
-The truth about Google Fiber @ PCMag
-Yahoo comes out with earnings @ TheNextWeb
Procter & Gamble (PG) Delivers a Dividend Boost to Investors
– dividendgrowthinvestor.com
As a dividend investor my goal is to generate a sufficient stream of sustainable dividends from my income portfolio. I focus on dividends because this method is much less volatile than relying on capital gains and also is a more sustainable method to pay for expenses when compared to selling off shares…
Undeniably Awesome Health Care Dividend Stocks
– dividends4life.com
Looking for solid dividends? The health care sector has plenty of dividend stocks to choose from. However, just because a stock’s dividend yield looks juicy now doesn’t mean it will remain that way in the days ahead. Here are three health care dividend stocks that sport great yields and should keep those payments flowing: GlaxoSmithKline (NYSE: GSK), Merck (NYSE: MRK) and Medical Properties
Dividends and Compound Interest
– thedividendpig.com

Most people assume that the stock market goes in a straight line, either up or down. But actually there have been a long periods of time where stocks have basically gone nowhere. This happened from the late 1930s to the early 1950s and again from 1966 to 1980…
Recent Buy: Teck Resources and Barrick Gold
– dividendninja.com

NRG Energy, Inc. (NRG) Raises Quarterly Dividend 33.3% to $0.12; 1.8% Yield
– streetinsider.com
Visit StreetInsider.com at http://www.streetinsider.com/Dividends/NRG+Energy%2C+Inc.+%28NRG%29+Raises+Quarterly+Dividend+33.3%25+to+%240.12%3B+1.8%25+Yield/8264869.html for the full story.
Dividend Roundup Time
– thedividendguyblog.com
1. Procter & Gamble (PG) Delivers a Dividend Boost to Investors @ DGI.
2. Reaching for the 15% Tax Bracket @ Retire by 40.
3. Solving the Ridley @ Barel Karsan.
4. 3 Ways to Hedge Your Portfolio Gains @ The College Investor.
5. Reaching Critical Mass @ Dividend Engineering.
6. New Currency Unhedged ETFs from iShares @ Canadian Capitalist…
2. Reaching for the 15% Tax Bracket @ Retire by 40.
3. Solving the Ridley @ Barel Karsan.
4. 3 Ways to Hedge Your Portfolio Gains @ The College Investor.
5. Reaching Critical Mass @ Dividend Engineering.
6. New Currency Unhedged ETFs from iShares @ Canadian Capitalist…
Stock Analysis of Vodafone
– thediv-net.com

Vodafone Group Plc (VOD) provides mobile telecommunication services worldwide. It offers mobile voice services to approximately 447 million customers; messaging services; mobile data services; fixed broadband services; and whole sale carrier services. This international dividend achiever has consistently raised dividends every year since dividends were paid in 1989…
Reminder – Royal Bank of Canada (RY) Goes Ex-Dividend Soon
– forbes.com/sites/dividendchannel