Richard Branson on Choosing Your Retail Location
Virgin’s CEO shares what factors you need to consider when choosing the best place to open up shop.
If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Video is Worth a Million!
Would you agree with the above statement? It’s true! Video marketing is on the rise and it is time to jump on the bandwagon. Video marketing can yield viral results — when it is done right. Fortunately, social apps make it easy for marketers and business owners to take advantage of this powerful marketing tactic…
Braille on Business Cards – Not Just for The Blind
Networking is important for all business people, including those who are blind. One way to make your business card get noticed and make a profound statement supporting diversity is to simply add braille.
What Is Braille, and Why Should It Be on a Business Card?
Braille is a form of written language for the blind that consists of raised dots that are “read” by being felt by the fingertips…
Should Barnes & Noble Turn into a Mini-Mall?
I feel genuinely badly for Barnes & Noble and its recently resigned CEO William Lynch. It has done by far the best job of anybody in the industry as traditionally constructed — and that is just not good enough. I don’t think B&N can be accused of blindness. When it built out its vast network of stores, there really wasn’t a meaningful threat from online sales or digital books…
Setting Up a Home Office on a Tight Budget
Personal finance expert and author Linsey Knerl tells about the best ways for home-based businesses to save money while building a fully functional home office.
Leadership Playbook: 3 Ways to Coach, Not Criticize, Employees

That’s because people often equate feedback, especially the negative kind, with confrontation…
CEO Says Good Engineering Talent Hard to Find
Unitrends CEO Mike Coney has grown the company from 40 employees to 210, but says great engineers are in short supply.
5 Ways Your Logo Impacts Your Social Presence

Finding Financing for Your Business
There are lots of ways to start a business, even during a recession. What isn’t possible, unfortunately, is starting a business without spending any money. No matter what you might have heard, there is no way to start a business for free. Sure, there are businesses that cost very close to nothing to set up, but the face remains: Every business has at least some startup costs…