Recent Buy

It takes a lot of conviction and belief in an overarching goal to invest fresh capital in the face of a stock market that is breaking new records seemingly daily. But, I have the kind of conviction necessary to do this. I’m simply trying to buy time via passive income that will exceed my expenses and therefore free me from the need to work a full-time job to sustain myself…
Hedge Funds Buying These Technology Dividend Stocks
Looking to trade technology stocks that offer dividend income and show the potential to rise in vale? We created a stock list with this in mind.We began by screening the technology industry for stocks that are rallying above their 20-day, 50-day, and 200-day moving averages, indicating that these stocks have strong upward momentum…
Las Vegas Sands Larger Than S&P 500 Component DuPont

Which stocks did I purchase over the past week edition?
I had a 401(k) plan from a previous employer at Fidelity, which I recently rolled over into an IRA. The rollover took a few hours, after which the money was available to invest the very next morning. Over the past week I purchased stock in approximately twenty individual stocks in this rollover IRA. I typically post my purchases within one day of making the transaction and post it on my twitter feed…
Chicos Fas, Inc. (CHS) Declares $0.055 Quarterly Dividend; 1.2% Yield
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