Infographic: What $100,000 in Advertising Buys + MORE

Infographic: What $100,000 in Advertising Buys + MORE

More Sharknado Coming Your Way, and Other Inbound Stories of the WeekHappy sweltering Sunday, readers! At least it’s sweltering here. Holy humidity. I’ll remember this feeling when my face is so cold it’s hot come January.
Anyhoo, some cuh-razy things happened this week. Some are marketing-related. Others I’m going to find loose marketing tie-ins for, because I think it’s important people know these things happened…

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It must be true if Mark Twain, Einstein or Will Smith said it
The Internet is packed with interesting, inspiring and meaningful quotes.

Some are accurate. The quote was indeed said by the person it was attributed to.
Many are attributed to the wrong person.

It must be true: Using a famous person’s name as a decision making short-cut
People are far more likely to accept an idea, if they respect the source…

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Infographic: What $100,000 in Advertising BuysSpend $100k and you get a two-sided direct mail postcard sent to 100,000 people. $100k will get 4 broadcast commercial spots on Bravo seen by 1.85 million. $150k can get you one day of sponsored Twitter trends, an exposure of 18 million Twitterers. $200k will get you a Facebook display ad campaign seen by 266 million…

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Weekend Favs July Twenty


Weekend Favs July TwentyWeekend Favs July Twenty written by John Jantsch read more at Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape MarketingMy weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.
I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you check them out if they sound interesting…

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